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Site Map
Apply for it
Benefit calculators
Benefit Cap
Change of circumstances
Council tax support
Housing benefit
Discretionary housing payment (DHP)
Housing benefit
Local housing allowance rates
Request claim form for housing benefit
Universal Credit
Community and living
Armed Forces Covenant
Births, marriages and deaths
Births, deaths and marriages
Meadow burials at Brimscombe Cemetery
Community funding and grants
Community funding and grants
Small grants
Community Hubs
Community safety and Community wardens
Abandoned Vehicles
Anti-social behaviour
Anti-social Behaviour (ASB) Case review
Community Wardens
Domestic abuse and sexual violence
Hate Crime
Stroud District Community Safety Partnership 2023 – 2026
Emergency planning
About emergency planning
Business Continuity
Emergencies - community resilience
Emergency planning
Equality, diversity and inclusion
Equality, diversity and inclusion
Workforce statistics
Lucky Severn Lottery
Money advice
Cost of living support
Energy and water
Family & childcare
Mental health support
Debt advice
Public toilets
Support for Ukraine
Help and support for Ukraine
Support for refugees - Homes for Ukraine scheme
Youth and community work
Community health and wellbeing
Active Everyday
Health & wellbeing trail
Walks for Wellbeing
Active Start
Active Kidz
Active Tots
Shelf Help for Eating and Body Image
Get Active
FAQ's for Staff
Healthy Lifestyle Scheme
Cardiac Rehabilitation Phase IV
Maintaining Mobility
Tai Chi
GP Exercise on Referral
Living with & Beyond Cancer
Mummy & Me Classes
Respiratory Rehabilitation
Strength & Balance
Holiday Activity & Food Programme
Leisure and wellbeing - plans and strategies
Safeguarding people
Safeguarding adults
Safeguarding children
Safeguarding people
Stratford Park Tennis Courts
Tennis Court Rules
Terms of Use
Support for our Communities
5 Ways to wellbeing
Community Grants
Community grants
Community Hubs
Stroud District Know Your Patch
Contact us
Complaints about Individual Councillors
Complaints and feedback policy
Email us
Online form
Our offices (Ebley Mill) location and visitor parking information
Our Service Standards
Out of hours emergencies
Council Tax
Billing information
Adult Social Care precept explained
Billing information 2024/25
Boundary changes with effect from 1 April 2024
Can I get a reduction on my Council Tax charge?
Help for households campaign
I am having difficulty paying my Council Tax
Is my property in the correct band?
My SDC Account
Paying your Council Tax
Receive your bill by email
Where to go for advice about debt
Cabinet Office privacy notice for council tax
Cabinet Office privacy notice for council tax
Council tax bands and rates
Council tax band appeals
Council tax bands
Council Tax discounts and exemptions
Care Leaver discounts (with effect from 1 April 2019)
Care Leaver discounts (with effect from 1 April 2024)
Council tax exemptions
Disabled persons reduction
Discounts and exemptions (printable version)
Empty properties
Freeman on the Land and Council Tax
Paying the right level of Council Tax
Second homes
Severely mentally impaired persons
Single person discount
Student exemptions and discounts
Local council tax support scheme – 2024/25
My SDC account
Pay your council tax
Receive your bill by email
Receive your bill by email
Reporting Fraud
Reporting Fraud
Tell us about your change of address or household circumstances
Change your details
Tell us that you're moving home
Change of address
Moving away from the Stroud District
Set up an account or moving into the Stroud District Council area
What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax?
What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax?
Where to go for advice about debt
Bins, rubbish and recycling
Bins and recycling containers
Bin collection days
My property isn't suitable for a bin - use of bags/sacks
Need help putting your bins out?
Order a new bin or container
Real (reusable) nappies
Recycling centres (Tips)
Report a missed bin collection
Missed communal bin collections
Report a missed bin collection
Where and when to leave your bins
Where to leave your bins
Which bin should I use?
Beige rubbish sacks
Brown garden waste bin
Food waste bins and caddies
Green wheelie bin and box
Grey wheelie bin
How can we all help reduce food waste
Tips for keeping your bins clean
Types of plastic and how to recycle them
Bulky waste collection service
Bulky waste charity donations
What are we not able to collect?
Clinical waste
Commercial waste
Garden waste collection service
Compost bins
Garden waste collection FAQs
How the garden waste collection scheme works
Terms and conditions for garden waste collections
Recycling banks
Recycling centres (Tips)
Types of plastic and how to recycle them
Street cleaning
Waste wizard
Your waste and recycling collection service
Building a sustainable future - together
Our master plan
What can you do?
What we are doing
Cotswold Canals Connected
Energy efficiency
Big Community Switch
Community energy
Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency schemes
Saving energy in the home
Environmental health
Animal welfare
Animal Welfare Charter
Animal welfare licensing
Dog fouling
Dog warden service
Lost and stray dogs
Professional Dog Walkers’ Code of Conduct
Public Spaces Protection Orders (including dog fouling)
Environmental protection
Environmental Permitting
Private water supplies
Food safety for consumers
Complaints about food and food hygiene standards
Food hygiene inspections
Food hygiene ratings
Food safety for consumers
Pest control
Important information about your pest control treatment
Bed bug treatment
Cluster fly treatment
Flea treatment
Important information about your pest control treatment
Insects treatment
Rodent control treatment
Wasps' nest treatment
Pest control charges
Pollution and nuisance
Air quality
Contaminated land
Contaminated land
Contaminated Land Public Register
Noise pollution
Report noise pollution
Sky lanterns
Smoke and bonfires
Report pollution e.g. bonfire or smoke nuisance
Smoke control
Smoke from wood burners and open fires
Flooding and drainage
Flooding and drainage
Flooding help - cleaning up after a flood
Flooding help - how to protect your home
Stroud Valleys Natural Flood Management Project
Planning and building control
Address management
Address management
How to apply
Street naming notices
Apply for planning permission and pre application services
Dropping kerbs, accesses and creating a hard standing
Make a planning application
Validation checklists
Pre-application advice and enquiries
When is planning permission required?
Building control
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Adoption of CIL at Stroud District Council
CIL Appeals, Surcharges and Enforcement
CIL Forms
CIL Reporting
CIL Spending and IFS
CSV Data
Liable Development and Charging Schedule
Paying CIL and Planning Contributions
Text page to copy
Town and Parish Councils - Neighbourhood CIL
2019/20 Annual Reports
2020/21 Annual Reports
2021/22 Annual Reports
2022/23 Annual Report
What is Community Infrastructure Levy?
Conservation, biodiversity, listed buildings, trees and hedgerows
A Heritage Strategy for Stroud District
Consultation on an emerging Heritage Strategy
Consultation on an emerging Heritage Strategy (2017)
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
Great Crested Newts
Pre-Application Advice
Conservation Area No.29 - Stroud Industrial Heritage
IHCA CAS - Volume 1: Summary and Character Overview
IHCA CAS - Volume 2: Character Parts
IHCA CAS - Volume 3: Conservation Area Management Proposals SPD
IHCA CAS - Volume 4: Design Guide
Conservation Areas and Conservation Area Statements
Article 4 Directions in Conservation Areas
Conservation area no.1 - Wotton Under Edge (*adopted CAS)
Conservation area no.10 - South Woodchester
Conservation area no.11 - Miserden
Conservation area no.12 - Pitchcombe
Conservation area no.13 - Painswick
Conservation area no.14 - Nympsfield
Conservation area no.15 - Stinchcombe
Conservation area no.16 - Stroud Top of the Town (*adopted CAS)
Conservation area no.17 - Stroud Town Centre (*adopted CAS)
Conservation area no.19 - Chalford Hill
Conservation area no.2 - Amberley
Conservation area no.20 - Chalford Vale
Conservation area no.21 - Dunkirk Mills and Watledge (*adopted CAS)
Conservation area no.22 - Ebley Mills (*adopted CAS)
Conservation area no.23 - France Lynch
Conservation area no.24 - Lodgemore and Fromehall Mills (*adopted CAS)
Conservation area no.25 - Longfords Mills (*adopted CAS)
Conservation area no.26 - Stanley Mills (*adopted CAS)
Conservation area no.27 - St Mary's and Belvedere Mills (*adopted CAS)
Conservation area no.28 - Stroud Station (*adopted CAS)
Conservation area no.29 - Stroud Industrial Heritage (*adopted CAS)
Conservation area no.3 - Box
Conservation area no.30 - Uley
Conservation area no.31 - Nailsworth
Conservation area no.32 - Dursley
Conservation area no.33 - Woodmancote
Conservation area no.34 - Stratford Park (*adopted CAS)
Conservation area no.35 - Gyde House
Conservation area no.36 - Randwick
Conservation area no.37 - Sharpness Old Dock
Conservation area no.38 - Eastcombe
Conservation area no.39 - Saul
Conservation area no.4 - Minchinhampton
Conservation area no.40 - Bussage and Brownshill
Conservation area no.41 - Sheepscombe
Conservation area no.42 - Arlingham
Conservation area no.5 - Berkeley
Conservation area no.6 - Bisley (*adopted CAS)
Conservation area no.7 - Frampton on Severn (*adopted CAS)
Conservation area no.8 - Kingswood (*adopted CAS)
Conservation area no.9 - Alderley
Conservation Areas in Stroud District
Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
Cotswold Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
Current Identified Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Mitigation Rates
Rodborough Common Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
Severn Estuary Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
Listed buildings
List descriptions
Listed buildings
Listed buildings and climate change
Make a listed building consent application
Pre application advice
Unauthorised works
What requires listed building consent
Applying for consent
Council owned trees
Emergency works to protected trees
New Tree Preservation Orders
Trees and your property
Dangerous, dilapidated or insecure buildings & structures
Historic decision notice search
ADV related documents
CAC related documents
Historic decision notice search
LBC related documents
Local land charges
Local land charges
Local land charges register
Local Land Charges search fees and payment
Planning Appeals
How to make a planning appeal
View planning appeals and decisions
What is a Planning Appeal?
Planning constraints and policy maps
Planning Enforcement
Enforcement Operational Protocol
High hedges
Register of Notices
Report Unauthorised works
Right of appeal
What will Planning Enforcement investigate?
Planning strategy
Brownfield Land Register
Canals Strategy for Stroud District
Canals Strategy for Stroud District
Draft Canals Strategy Representations
Community Infrastructure Levy
Emerging neighbourhood plans
Brimscombe & Thrupp Parish Council plan
Emerging neighbourhood plans
Slimbridge Parish Council plan
Evidence Base
Economy and Employment Evidence
Environmental Evidence
Green Infrastructure, Sport and Recreation Study
Stroud Open Space and Green Infrastructure Study Cluster Analysis
Stroud Playing Pitch Strategy
Stroud PPS Final Needs Assessment Reports
Landscape Sensitivity Assessment (2016)
Housing Evidence
Gloucestershire Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA)
Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
Strategic Assessment of Land Availability (SALA)
2020 Site Submission Individual PDFs
Strategic Housing Land Availability (SHLAA)
Stroud District Settlement Role and Function Study
Infrastructure and Viability Evidence
2011 Site Assessments
How the Local Plan was prepared
2015 Local Plan examination library (archived)
Local Development Scheme
Neighbourhood planning
Current applications for the designation of neighbourhood areas
Emerging neighbourhood plans
Made neighbourhood plans
Neighbourhood development plans
Neighbourhood planning
Neighbourhood planning process and additional guidance
online reps
Other policy documents
Planning Strategy consultations
Stroud District Local Plan
Policies map
Stroud District Local Plan Review
Draft Local Plan Background Papers
Emerging Strategy consultation reps
Local Plan Examination
Examination Library
CD5b - Regulation 20 Online representations supporting documents
CD5d Regulation 20 Representations received by email and letter
Stroud District Local Plan Review | Submission Policies Maps
Local Plan Review | Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan | Regulation 19 Consultation May 2021
Local Plan Review Additional Housing Options 2020
Additional housing email reps
Additional housing online reps
Additional housing options consultation reps
Additional housing postal reps
Local Plan Review Draft Local Plan 2019
Draft Plan consultation reps
Draft Plan consultation responses
Draft Plan Electronic Reps
Draft Plan online reps
Draft Plan Postal Reps
Local Plan Review: Draft Plan public exhibitions
Local Plan Review Emerging Strategy 2018
Emerging Strategy background papers
Local Plan Review Evidence
Local Plan Review Issues and Options
Pre-Submission Representations
SFRA Appendix A-N
SFRA Appendix Q
Site promoter material available at Regulation 19 consultation stage
Supplementary guidance
Chalford Village Design Statement SPD Consultation
The development plan for Stroud District
Search and comment on planning applications
Statement of Community Involvement
Our Vision for Brimscombe Port
Brimscombe Port FAQs
Brimscombe Port mailing list
Renewable energy to heat leisure centres and museum
Stonehouse Bristol Road Railway Station
Stroud Valleys Natural Flood Management Project
The restoration of the Cotswold Canals
Wharfdale Way and Boakes Drive Canal Side Improvements
Meliora Collective
Shambles Saturday Market 2024
Stroud Farmers Market
Housing FAQs
I am a landlord and I want to rent out my property
Becoming a Landlord before you start
Landlord rights and responsibilities
Rent a room in your home
Serving notice
Setting up the tenancy
I need to move home quickly
I want to apply for a transfer or swap my home
I want to apply to the Housing Register
I want to rent my home through a private landlord
Common problems and solutions
Empty homes
Empty homes
Empty homes loan
Report an empty property
Finding a property
Homeless Prevention Fund Scheme (HPF)
Houses in multiple occupation (HMO) Licensing
Housing grants
Disabled facilities grants
Healthy homes loan
Immigration accommodation visits
Information for private sector tenants and owner occupiers
Condensation and mould
Deposit Bond
Healthy homes loan
Housing repairs and maintenance
Overcrowding in private rented properties
Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES)
Help available
Landlord responsibilities
Minimum energy efficiency standards
What is MEES
What are my rights when renting privately?
I'm an existing tenant or leaseholder
Becoming a tenant
Getting ready to move
Things you will need to do before moving day
What you can expect from us
I've been offered a home
Moving in day
Sign up
Things you will need to do on moving day
What you can expect from us
Settling in
First check in
Get involved!
Cafe Conversations
Help and support
Anti Social Behaviour
Anti Social Behaviour
Example of Anti Social Behaviour
I'm a tenant and a complaint has been made against me
Our tenant is behaving in an anti social way
Useful information
Ways we can help
What we do
Housing Officers
I'm not happy with the service I have received
Partner agencies
Right to Buy
Support for those experiencing domestic abuse
Tenancy and sustainment
Tenant Services
Leaseholders and Shared Ownership
Repairs and insurance
Carrying out your own improvements
Heating and hot water systems
Major repair work
Repairs inside your flat
Repairs we are responsible for
Repairs you are responsible for
Service charges
How can I pay my service charge?
Service charges explained
What service charges cover
Working out your service charge
Shared Ownership
Legal and administration fees
Rent and service charges
Repairs and improvements
Selling your home
The lease
What is Shared Ownership
Your rights and responsibilities
Useful links
What you can expect from us
Your lease
Leasehold law
Our responsibilities to you
Responsibilities of sub-tenants
Selling your property
Subletting and safety
Subletting your home
What is a lease?
Your responsibilities as a leaseholder
Your rights as a Leaseholder
Your neighbourhood
Our policies and plans
A bit more about us
Our performance
Our plans and vision
Report it or Request it
A-Z of responsibilities
Carbon monoxide (CO)
Gas appliances: Fitting a new one
Gas heating
Gas leaks
Gas safety
Gas supply
Smoke alarms
Solar panels
Solid and dual fuel heating
Wood burner stoves
Quick click help
Air Source Heat Pumps
Central heating thermostats
Central heating timers
Electrical night storage heating
Heating and hot water problems
Report: Abandoned possessions or flytipping
Report: Abandoned property
Report: Abandoned vehicle
Report: Anti Social Behaviour
Report: Pest control
Request: Fit a new gas appliance
Request: Install a new gas supply or meter
Request: Pets or livestock
Your home
Help to look after your home: Damp and mould
How we look after your home
Property inspections and unauthorised occupation
Repairs we are responsible for
Responsibilities by type
Right to repairs
Types of repairs
Your home when you move in
How you can look after your home
Home improvements
Keeping your home in good order
Moving out
What you are expected to do
Keeping your home safe
Fire risk assessments
Gas and electrical servicing
Lift servicing
Major improvement programmes
Decent homes standard
Major improvement works
Planned maintenance
Reporting and carrying out a repair to your home
Getting access to your home
Is it an emergency?
Keeping you safe
Reporting a repair
Useful numbers
What happens after our visit
What happens once you've reported it
What you can expect
Right to Buy
User guides, manuals, support and advice
Your neighbourhood
Abandoned vehicles
Communal areas
*Communal bin stores and recycling points
Communal or shared gardens
Encroachment on housing land
Grass cutting and landscape maintenance
Internal communal areas
Removal of litter and rubbish
Tenants’ responsibilities
Garage lettings and sales
Garden waste
Keeping garden standards up
Sheds, greenhouses and other garden buildings
Improving where you live
Estate inspections
Planned improvements
What do estate inspections cover?
Nuisance neighbours
Pest control
Pets and livestock
Your rent and payments
Help and support for money worries
Budgeting and savings
Buying furniture and white goods
Pre-pay meters
Switching energy suppliers
Water bills
Winter fuel payments and energy grants
Where to get help
Key information
Direct deductions from your benefits
How will I know if I am up to date with my payments?
Pay housing rent
What happens if I can’t afford my rent?
What happens if I'm evicted?
What if I don't pay my rent?
What should I do if I miss a payment?
When do I pay my rent?
Who is responsible for paying my rent?
Your tenancy
Change of circumstances
Assigning your tenancy to someone else
Change of circumstances
Changing from Sole to Joint
Changing your name
I need a bigger home
I want to downsize
Ending your tenancy
Ending a joint tenancy
Ending the tenancy of a person who has died
Ending your tenancy
What happens to a tenancy after death?
Home swap
Am I eligible to swap?
Can home swaps involve more than one property?
Do I have to swap locally?
How do I apply for a mutual exchange?
How do I find properties to swap to?
Swapping homes with another tenant
What is a mutual exchange?
Request it
Rights & Responsibilities
Keeping your home in good order
Our responsibilities as your landlord
Property inspections and unauthorised occupation
Rights & Responsibilities
Your responsibilities as our tenant
Your rights as a Secure Tenant
Types of tenancies
Introductory tenancy
Joint Tenancy
Secure Tenancy
Single Tenancy
I'm at risk of being homeless
Are you homeless now?
Duties of Homeless Reduction Act
Homelessness statistics
Our vision to stop homelessness
Independent Living
Our vision for homes in the district
Park homes
Self build housing
Job vacancies
Jobs and careers
Apprenticeships and work experience
Benefits of working for us
Hear from our people
Our commitment to equity
Our values and behaviours
Our vision
Why choose Stroud district?
Working for Stroud District Council
Latest news
Become a Tenant Rep and help shape the council's housing service
Bedford Street toilets are open
Bedford Street toilets closure
Car parking charges frozen again in 85% of spaces
Council remains committed to district vision as new civic year starts
Dedicated officer shortlisted for Women in Housing Awards
Elections 2024 – here’s all the dates, deadlines and information you need to know
Follow a family-friendly treasure hunt with new features on our free fun app
Free teacher training will help children try fruit and vegetables – here’s how schools can sign up
Funding from new home developments drives improvements across Stroud district
General Election 2024: Writ received – here’s everything you need to know about voting
Help to protect Skylarks on Selsley Common during nesting season
Investment in community projects agreed in the new SDC budget
Litter heroes welcome at Great British Spring Clean event
Low-income families urged to check whether they could get help to buy food and milk
New community investments unveiled in 2024/25 budget proposals
Options for ageing timber homes are being considered
Our annual council update is coming to your doorstep this week
Our apprentices are a step ahead on National Apprenticeship Week
Our request for a pause in the Local Plan process has been approved
Planning permission granted for “Missing Mile” of historic canal restoration
Rain doesn’t stop celebrations at revamped play area
Revamped play areas officially opened – and more will be improved in the coming year
Short closures for Museum in the Park, Stratford Park Leisure Centre and The Pulse in final phase of renewable heating installation
Statement: The Brimscombe Mill community
Swimming pools successful in bids to improve facilities
Test 1
This unique event celebrates the natural environment
Vote now for these local businesses to win a lifestyle award
We’re taking action on empty homes by bringing this abandoned property back into use
We’re taking part in No Mow May to boost biodiversity and support wildlife – and you can join in too
My House
My SDC Account
Parking, travel and visitors
Community transport
Gloucestershire County Council permanent traffic regulation orders (TRO)
Blue badge scheme
Car park map
Car parks and charges in the district
Mipermit - cashless parking
Parking fines
Parking permits
Public footpath diversions
Public Transport
Road works
Temporary Road Closures
Tourist information
Brown road signs
Pay for it
Pay an invoice
Pay building control
Pay bulky waste
Pay business rates
Pay CIL and SAC
Pay council tax
Pay garden waste
Pay houses in multiple occupancy (HMO)
Pay housing benefit overpayment
Pay housing rent
Pay parking fine
Pay planning
Registration Page
Report it
Abandoned vehicles
Antisocial behaviour
Benefit fraud
Blocked drain on a public road
Blocked sewers and burst water mains
Breach of planning rules
Dangerous building or structure
Dead wild animal
Dirty street
Dog bin overflowing
Dog mess or fouling problems
Empty property
Faulty pay & display machine
Fly-tipping/dumped litter
Graffiti problem
House in multiple occupation unlicensed
Missed bin collection
Noise nuisance
Overflowing litter bin
Pollution e.g. bonfire or smoke nuisance
Public toilet problems
Report flooding
Road or pavement issues
Street light issues
Street nameplates damaged or missing
Tenancy fraud
Search Page
Sport, leisure & parks
Events and things to do
Event banner application
Planning an event in the Stroud District
What's on
Parks & green spaces
Commons in the Stroud district
Grass cutting
Herbicide usage
Stratford Park
Events at Stratford Park
Stratford Park event notification form
Stratford Park map and directions
Stratford Park trees
Swimming Pools & Leisure Centres
FAQ's for staff
Stratford Park Leisure Centre
Stroud District Concession Scheme
The Pulse Dursley
Test Job Vacancy
John Test
Test Page - PPL
We have a new website
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