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CIL Spending and IFS

SDC will use CIL monies collected to pay for infrastructure included on the Infrastructure Funding Statement (Dec 2020). The IFS sets out infrastructure projects or types of infrastructure that the Council intends will be, or may be, wholly or partly funded by CIL funds in addition to a report on the previous financial year.
A percentage of the collected CIL funds are allocated to the Parish/Town Council.

Previously, SDC has secured developer contributions through S106 agreements.  Although S106 agreements will still be sought on certain applications, in many cases CIL will replace these.  

S106 contributions will still be sought for major allocated schemes, affordable housing, public open space and where there are site specific measures required to make a development acceptable.  Offsite infrastructure will now be paid for using CIL.

Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS)

An Infrastructure Funding Statement is a document that must be published each year by a “contribution receiving authority”. A contribution receiving authority is any authority which issues Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) notices or receives money from a Section 106 agreement.

The Infrastructure Funding Statement will cover both CIL and Section 106 planning contributions. The information within the document will relate to all new activity in the year as well as unspent money from previous years.

The statement replaces the previously used "Regulation 123 List", which has now been removed from CIL legislation.

Stroud District Council IFS Statements:

The money allocated for Strategic spending is for large scale infrastructure projects, also known as "big ticket items" which will benefit the wider district.  Projects will be detailed in the Infrastructure Funding Statement. Please contact the team by email to for more information.

The money collected by CIL is apportioned into three areas:

  • Strategic spending
  • Parish/Town Council spending
  • Administrative costs (5%)

The allocation to Parish/Town Councils is set out in the table below:


Parish/Town Council Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) CIL Allocation
25% uncapped (NDP area)
X 15% capped at £100/dwelling

Getting Support: Community Projects and Services

Stroud District Council have enjoyed a close working partnership with the Gloucestershire Rural Community Council (GRCC) for many years.  GRCC is an independent charity that works directly with communities to inspire, enable and deliver community action.  They have a long history of working with town and parish councils, communities and voluntary sector organisations. 

Members of GRCC’s Community Development Team are able to provide direct one-to-one support on the development a wide range of community projects and services.  They can support community groups with building capacity, setting up new enterprises and projects, community consultation, project and business plans and funding advice.

If you have a project or community initiative you want to get off the ground, review or need help with, please contact GRCC’s Community Development Team by email at or call 01452 528491.



CIL expenditure will be reported at the end of December every year, with the first report being in December 2018 reporting for the 2017/2018 financial year. The report will be made available to the public via the SDC website. Parish and Town Councils are also required to produce a report for their own website.  The SDC report will collate all of the information on strategic and neighbourhood spending.