Right to Buy
If you've been a secure Council tenant for at least three years, you may qualify for a discount on the purchase price of your property, potentially up to a maximum of £102,400. The discount amount increases annually in April, in alignment with the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Eligibility and the discount amount depend on the duration of your tenancy as a social tenant.
Applying to buy
You can apply on your own, or make a joint application with someone who shares your tenancy or with members of your family who have lived with you for the past 12 months.
Return your completed forms to Right to Buy Officers, Stroud District Council, Ebley Mill, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL5 4UB
If your matter is urgent and you wish to speak to the Right to Buy Officers, you can call them on 01453 766 321.
Once you make a Right to Buy application the council is only obliged to keep your property wind and water tight and you will be entitled to emergency repairs only. The council will not carry out any other repairs to your home whilst you are in the process of buying. Examples of emergency repairs are: total loss of electricity - loss of all heating and hot water (between 1st October and 1st May) - burst pipes - blockage of the only toilet in the property / blocked drains causing sewage to spill out - broken windows affecting security (rechargeable unless crime number supplied) - inability to secure main entrance to property - serious roof leaks.
The council will also remove you from any upcoming planned maintenance programmes, for example, new roofing, external doors and windows, rain water goods, kitchens, bathrooms etc and will stop any commenced planned maintenance works to the property.
If you have bought a council flat or maisonette, either directly through the Right to Buy scheme or from a previous owner, you are now a council Leaseholder.