Senior management and pay
The Chief Executive - Kathy O’Leary
The role of Chief Executive is a full time appointment made on merit, against objective criteria, following public advertisement. The appointment is made by the whole Council. By law, the Chief Executive (as with other senior staff) is not allowed to participate in any party political activity.
As Chief Executive, she is the Council’s Head of Paid Service and Proper Officer for a number of statutory functions. The responsibilities are set out in the Council’s Constitution.
The Chief Executive is expected to show community leadership and represent the Council on various strategic bodies and partnerships. In addition, she may be elected or invited to serve on regional or national bodies as a result of her position as Chief Executive.
She is the District Controller for emergency planning and civil contingencies. Kathy is the Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer for the District Council and the Returning Officer for parish councils.
Kathy has been in post since November 2018. Before this she was Strategic Director of Resources at Tandridge District Council in Surrey. Her public service includes experience at districts and counties in the South East of England as well as teaching at a northern university.
Senior management
Senior management are responsible for managing the activities of the Council staff and for advising councillors on the potential implications of political decisions.