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Service area notices

Why do we need your information?

We have a requirement to investigate reports of abandoned vehicles. To be able to investigate and resolve these reports we do need to process some personal information.

Our lawful basis to process your personal data for this purpose is Public Task. This purpose is supported by the following legislation:

  • Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978
  • Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005

What data do we collect?

To deliver this service we may need to collect:

  • Personal identifiers, contacts and characteristics (for example, name and contact details) of those reporting incidents and vehicle owners.
  • Car registration and/or VIN of the abandoned vehicle.
  • Locations, photos or video of the abandoned vehicle.

Who we share your information with

  • Police for the purpose of detecting or preventing crime
    • When: Upon request or when necessary.
  • Vehicle recovery specialists to remove the abandoned vehicle
    • When: Upon instruction.
  • Relevant internal council services including (but not limited to):
    • Neighbourhood Warden (for the relevant area only) to assist finding the vehicle if removal is required.
      • Upon request or when necessary.
    • Neighbourhood Management Officer (for the relevant area only) to assist finding the vehicle if removal is required.
      • Upon request or when necessary.
  • The DVLA to obtain the registered keeper details.
    • Upon request.

Why do we need your information?

Stroud District Council operates in a partnership with Gloucester City Council as the ‘Gloucestershire Building Control Partnership’. The authorities are joint-controllers when processing personal information to:

  • determine and manage building control applications.
  • respond to enquiries from members of the public or agents regarding building control matters.

Our lawful basis to process your personal data for these purposes is Legal, enforced by the Building Regulations 2010.

What data do we collect?

To deliver our services we may need to collect:

  • Personal identifiers, contacts and characteristics (for example, name, address, and contact details including telephone numbers and email addresses)
  • Address and property details
  • Disability indicators

We may receive information from 3rd parties in the following scenarios:

  • Development Management applications to allow us to investigate alleged breaches of building regulations
  • Land registry searches when identifying land owners related to dangerous structures

Who we share your information with

  • Other local authorities
    • When: Upon request or when necessary as part of an investigation
  • Gloucestershire Fire & Rescue Service
    • When: As part of statutory fire service consultations
  • Utility Providers
    • When: As part of statutory sewerage service consultations
  • The Public when related to applications disclosable via the public access database.
    • When: As required

Why do we need your information?

We are currently trialling call recording within our Council housing service.

Calls may be recorded for the purposes of training, quality monitoring, investigation of complaints, or the Prevention or Detection of Crime or Fraud.

If you object to call recording you can contact us using any of our other contact methods (

Our lawful basis' for call recording are:

Public Task to maintain the quality and relevance of Council services

Legitimate Interest to safeguard council employees and the public from unreasonable behaviour or misrepresentation.

What data do we collect?

When we record calls we will save a copy of the call audio and the telephone number the call was made from/to.

No payment information is recorded.

Who we share your information with

Outside of the purposes explained above, we will not share call recordings with third-parties without your explicit consent.

If we need to share a call recording with the Police or relevant fraud prevention authority for the prevention or detection of crime, consent is not required. This can include abuse towards Council staff and contractors or suspected fraudulent actions by a caller.

Call recordings may contain personal data of a data subject and may be disclosable under your right of access. See our main privacy notice for how to exercise your rights.

How long do we keep your personal information?

Call recordings are stored in a secure location with access controls for a period of no longer than 90 days. After this time they are securely deleted.

A recording may be held for longer where it is being used as evidence for an ongoing investigation.

Why do we need your information?

We must process the personal information of careline users and select third parties such as emergency contacts or key holders to deliver the careline service.

Our lawful basis to process your personal data for this purpose is Contractual. In a life threatening event we may rely on vital interests.

The carelines services processes personal information to:

  • Deliver services to support users
  • Managing account charges and payments including any arrears
  • Ensure your contractual obligations are complied with
  • Comply with relevant legislation and regulation
  • Train and manage the employment of our workers who deliver those services
  • Help investigate any worries or complaints you have about your service
  • Check the quality of the service 

What data do we collect?

To deliver the careline service we may need to process:

  • Personal identifiers, contact information and characteristics (e.g. name, age, date of birth, sex, contact details).
  • Payment information (card information is not stored).
  • Details of any change of circumstances.
  • Details of your next of kin and/or key holder and anyone authorised to act on your behalf.
  • Key safe codes.
  • Information relating to any disability, vulnerability, medical issues, support needs or caring responsibilities that users may have.
  • Records of any of our contacts with you, your contact with us and any contact from third parties representing you or about you.
  • Any feedback you provide on our services.
  • Other personal information that will vary on a case by case basis to help us manage the Careline service.
  • Recordings of telephone conversations if you call the control centre.

Most personal information is provided by individual users at the point of contract arrangement. We may also receive information from third parties such as social workers, health professionals or fire and police services if it supports delivery of the careline service.

We will contact next of kin and key holders to gain their consent to be associated with a user and their data will be processed in accordance with data protection legislation.

Who we share your information with

  • Wellbeing a Doro group company – For the operational running of the CareLine system and the administration of emergency calls.
    • When: Initial service set up, any account amendments, whenever an alarm is triggered or emergency call made.
  • Tunstall Healthcare - For the operational running of the CareLine system and the administration of emergency calls.
    • When: Initial service set up, any account amendments, whenever an alarm is triggered or emergency call made.
  • Emergency services
    • When: As required to safeguard you.
  • Other local authorities including Gloucestershire County Council (social care and safeguarding)
    • When: As required.
  • Central Government for VAT purposes.
    • When: Upon request.

Why do we need your information?

The Council is the lead partner of the 'Cotswold Canals Connected' restoration project. As part of our responsibilities we manage a volunteer programme and occasional events to promote the canal network. We need to process personal information to deliver these services and comply with the applicable laws. Our legal basis for processing personal data for these purposes is legal (for health and safety of volunteers Health and Safety at  Work Act 1974 and their administration) and consent where individuals wish to be kept up to date on the project or volunteering opportunities.

What data do we collect?

To provide this service we may need to collect:

  • Personal identifiers and contact information
  • next of kin for emergency contacts
  • opinions and feedback on the services and experience
  • health information relevant to volunteering placements (provided by you with your consent)
  • Images and/or video for promotional and reporting purposes (with your consent)

Who we share your information with

With whom


Regular updates relating to the work of the canal team will be published on the Council’s website including photographs of the work undertaken by the volunteers

Upon request

Council and partnership staff

For the management of the volunteer workforce and for the monitoring of participation and progress of the project

Health Professionals

In the event of an emergency to protect your vital interest


Why do we need your information?

The Council owns and manages a number of carparks in the district. To manage the fair use and payment enforcement of these we are required to process some personal information. Our legal basis for processing data is contractual as per the terms of the car parks and legal for enforcement purposes under the Traffic Management Act 2004.

If you choose to use the MiPermit app or website, processing will be as detailed in their own privacy notice.

What data do we collect?

To deliver the carparking service we may collect:

  • Vehicle registration number
  • Where a Penalty Charge Notice is issues we may also collect vehicle make, model and colour.
  • If a penalty charge notice is not paid within 28 days, a DVLA check is completed and we will process the registered keepers name and address.
  • When using MiPermit the systems may collect your name, address, contact information, car details and location data.
  • Where a carpark has cameras in operation we may collect images or video of vehicles and incidentally occupants of vehicles or the public moving within the car park area.

Who we share your information with

With whom When
DVLA After 28 days of non payment of a PCN issued by SDC or upon request by the DVLA
Bristow & Sutor Bailiffs When enforcement action is required for non-payment of a PCN
MiPermit Whenever a user chooses to use Mipermit for parking services and for monitoring/statistical purposes.

Why do we need your information?

One of the Councils roles is to promote, engage and support communities and events across the district. Our communications service manages this and will process personal information for a number of reasons including:

  • Press releases and news updates
  • Campaigns, events and tourism
  • Notification of changes to council services
  • Competition entries
  • Gathering and recording your views or comments on services we provide, or on consultation exercises we hold
  • Responding to journalistic enquiries or members of the public on social media

Our legal basis for these functions is legitimate interest and consent. Where we rely on consent you have a right to withdraw consent at anytime. However, if your personal data (e.g. image, comment) has been published online or in print it is unlikely we can fully remove it from existence but we will take reasonable steps to comply with your request.

What data do we collect?

To provide our communications services we may collect:

  • Personal identifiers and contact information
  • Images
  • Video
  • Comments and opinions
  • Feedback
  • Depending on your device settings your computer IP or location may be recorded as meta data on images or correspondence. We will not process this further.

Who we share your information with

With whom


Council Officers and Elected Members

Where appropriate to resolve an enquiry or as part of an event/campaign

Newsletter recipients

Where you have provided content or where your image/content is used as stock.

The Public

If you comment on a public post on any of our social media accounts or if your data is used as stock as part of an event/campaign etc.


How long do we keep your information?

Images and video will be kept as stock footage in perpetuity unless you withdraw your consent.

Other personal data will be kept for no longer than 6 years (Limitation Act) following the conclusion of a project or programme.

Why do we need your information?

As a District Council we may administer select publicly funded grant programmes (e.g. Police Crime Commissioner, Gloucestershire County Council, Youth funding). The Council also provides a Community Wellbeing Grant.

Our lawful basis to process your personal data for these purposes is Public Task and Consent (i.e. when you fill in an application form). 

What data do we collect?

To deliver these services we may need to collect:

  • Personal identifiers, contacts and characteristics (for example, name, address and contact details).
  • Information about households and dependents.
  • Circumstantial and situation information related to programme eligibility.
  • Some schemes may require the processing of special category data such as health.

Most personal information is provided by individuals when they apply to a scheme. We may also receive personal information from third party referrals such as social workers and health professionals.

Who we share your information with

  • Police and Crime Commissioner.
    • When: In line with the specific grant reporting guidelines.
  • Gloucestershire County Council.
    • When: In line with the specific grant reporting guidelines.
  • Grant review panels to allow for the grant application to be assessed.
    • When: Upon receipt of an application.
  • Internal council services which are relevant to the grant application (e.g. finance for the purpose of paying the grant).
    • When: Following successful applications.
  • Community Safety Partnership for reporting and awareness.
    • When: Annually.
  • Members of the public (including Councillors and Youth Councillors) for reporting and awareness.
    • When: Annually.

Why do we need your information?

To allow us to deliver and support community initiatives such as Litter Picking and ‘’Paws on Patrol’’, it is necessary to process personal data. These are voluntary schemes which individuals can sign up to.

For picking up litter collected by community events our lawful basis is Public Task under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005.

Our lawful basis to process your personal data for the Paws on Patrol scheme is consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time.

What data do we collect?

To deliver these services we may need to collect:

  • Personal identifiers, contacts and characteristics (for example, name, address and contact details).
  • Opinions and feedback about schemes.
  • Photos, Videos or location data provided by you if reporting community concerns or incidents.

Who we share your information with

  • Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
    • When: Upon sign up to the “Paws on Patrol” initiative.
  • Council services
    • When: Upon receipt of evidence of civil contraventions (fly tipping etc.) and when a litter pick group requires delivery or materials or pickup of litter.

Why do we need your information?

Stroud District council provides health and fitness services and processes referrals to the Healthy Lifestyles Scheme and monitors participants progress for the duration of the referral.

To engage participants the Council may send quarterly newsletters and ad-hoc surveys.

Our legal basis for this service is consent where you have either referred yourself of been referred by a health professional or guardian. You have the right to withdraw from the service and can do this by speaking to a member of our team or contacting us.

What data do we collect?

To provide these services we may need to process:

  • Personal identifiers and contact information
  • Emergency contact details
  • Any medical conditions which will affect or hinder your ability to take part in physical activity programs
  • Bank details for purpose of processing payments
  • Monitor attendance to activities and classes


Who we share your information with

With whom


Email addresses are shared with a marketing company “Mighty” for the purpose of sending newsletters to customers (in accordance with the data subject consent)

Quarterly or in the event of an emergency e.g. Pandemic

Medical details will be shared with medical services

In cases of emergency

Boditrax – for the purpose of monitoring your health and fitness goals

Upon request by the data subject

Solicitors for the purpose of defending any accident claims

Upon request

Police on request as part of any investigation or proof of life request

Upon request

Gloucestershire care services

Upon receipt of a referral

Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group

Upon receipt of a referral

Gloucestershire County Council

Upon receipt of a referral

Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Upon receipt of a referral

Stratford Park Leisure Centre (Everyone Active)

Upon receipt of a referral

The Pulse

Upon receipt of a referral

Fifth Dimension

Upon receipt of a referral

Move GB – on demand participation in online classes

When the participant signs up to use the online classes

Why do we need your information?

Often your first point of contact with the council will be through our contact centre or via our self-service web options. As such, we will need to process your personal data to deliver our services or put you in contact with one of our service areas for specialist support. We may process your information to receive and resolve general customer enquiries including:

  • Garden waste (e.g. to set up a garden waste collection service)
  • Refuse and recycling (e.g. process missed bin collection reports)
  • Council tax (e.g. provide single occupier discount or process move requests)
  • Environmental matters (e.g. receive reports of dog fouling)
  • Registrations on the Electoral Register (e.g. registering an individual on the Electoral Register)
  • Freedom of information requests (e.g. responding to a request for information)
  • Processing of complaints
  • Proof of Life or Identification requests as part of active investigations by authorities (e.g. Police, DWP, Pensions)
  • Processing of payments various Council services (e.g. setting up direct debits for the payment of council services)
    • Please note card payments are processed securely by third party suppliers such as GOV.UK Pay.


What data do we collect?

Most of the information we receive is provided directly by you when you contact us. Occasionally we may receive information from third parties as part of active investigations or as referrals. We may collect:

  • Contact details: Name, Address, Telephone number, email address
  • Financial details: Bank details in the case of Direct debits for garden waste
  • Any personal information relevant to your enquiry or a valid information request

Who we share your information with

With whom



Where the enquiry relates to another service area of the Council, the relevant service area Privacy Notice will outline how the information will be used.


Relevant internal service areas within the Council which are relevant to your enquiry including (but not limited to):

·         Revenue and Benefits (e.g. enquiries relating to council tax)

·         Elections (e.g. enquiries relating to the Electoral Register)

·         Public Spaces (e.g. enquiries relating to refuse and recycling)  

·         Environmental health (e.g. enquiries relating to reports of environmental matters)

·         Tenant Services (e.g. when processing freedom of information requests)


When receiving enquiries for information.

Police for the purpose of processing proof of life requests or active investigations.

Upon receipt of a request.


MP’s Office for the purpose of dealing with complaints. 

Upon receipt of a complaint.

Other local authorities such as Gloucestershire County Council for the purpose of resolving a particular enquiry.

In response to an enquiry or request for information.  


Government departments such as the Department of Work and Pensions or HMRC for fraud investigations.

Upon valid request

Why do we need your information?

To manage and support the Councils strategies, policies and plans we may need to process personal information. Our legal basis for these purposes is Public Task as we are required to effectively manage our public funds and the services which they provide. Occasionally we may process special category data if it is relevant to a case and we do this for reasons of substantial public interest. We may process personal information to:

  • Develop and manage policies and engage in research
  • Manage complaints made about Councillors or Council employees
  • Manage and monitor staff performance
  • Manage and monitor organisational procurement and spending
  • Manage and monitor key organisational metrics
  • Engage with community groups, businesses and individuals to support the District
  • For the purposes of promoting the District or Council/Stakeholder events and projects (We will ask for your consent when using data for these purposes)
  • Manage Information Governance across the organisation including complaints and reviews
  • Managing escalated matters such as complaints and disciplinary actions to the Executive office.
  • Making decisions in the Public Interest

What data do we collect?

Often information is passed to the Executive office when it requires escalation. This is usually after data has been collected by a difference services area. Sometimes you may contact the Executive office or Corporate Governance service yourselves and provide information through forms or correspondence. We may process:

  • Customer personal identifiers such as name, address, telephone number, email address
  • Staff personal information such as disciplinary, medical and other sensitive information.
  • Opinions and beliefs of stakeholders/consultees/the public etc.
  • Complaints and Statements related to escalated matters
  • Any personal information relevant to the project, process or complaint being managed.

Who we share your information with

With whom


Relevant organisations (e.g.  police, central government, or external contractors) we use or contact to carry out Council services for the purpose of investigating complaints or responding to the data subject’s request for information; or as otherwise legally required (e.g. courts or central government).

Why do we need your information?

We have a requirement to administrate and collect Council Tax and Business Rates from those who are liable. We also manage claims for Housing Benefit & Council Tax support.

Our lawful basis to process your personal data for these purposes are Public Task and Legal Obligation. We may occasionally use Consent and this will be signposted individually. These purposes are supported by the following legislation:

  • Local Government Finance Act 1992
  • The Council Tax (Administration and Enforcement) Regulations 1992
  • Local Government Finance Act 1988
  • The Housing Benefit Regulations 2006

What data do we collect?

To deliver this service we may need to collect:

  • Your name, address, contact details
  • Your household composition and individuals’ details to establish correct council tax charge and eligibility for discounts and exemptions. This may include some special category data such as health data for reduction eligibility.
  • Bank and payment details
  • Your property, to establish correct council tax charge and eligibility for discounts and exemptions
  • To award certain reductions or exemptions we must collect evidence; this data may include student exemption certificates, award of benefit notices, disability information.

Most information for these purposes is provided by you. We may also receive your information from third parties if you are using support or where you haven't provided us your information it may be shared by landlords, estate agents, previous occupiers and other third parties to prove liability for charges.

Who we share your information with

  • Relevant internal council services including (but not limited to):
    • Housing Benefit purpose of administering Council tax
    • Tenant Services for debt collection purposes
    • Elections for the purpose of keeping the electoral roll up to date
    • Planning and Building Control to facilitate the billing and administration of council tax and business rates
      • When: As necessary
    • Other local authorities
      • When: Upon request
    • Home Office for the prevention and detection of crime.
      • When: Upon request
    • Valuation Office agency to facilitate the billing and administration of council tax and business rates.
      • When: As necessary
    • Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service
      • When: As necessary
    • Department for Work and Pensions for the purpose of reporting fraud and error and sharing information.
      • When: As necessary
    • Externally with enforcement agents Bristow and Sutor Marstons Ltd and Enforcement Bailiffs Ltd for the collection of council tax and business rates.
      • When: When instructed
    • External printing agents for the purpose of sending correspondence relating to Council Tax accounts and business rates.
      • When: When instructed
    • National Fraud Initiative (NFI) for the purpose of preventing and detecting fraud under Part 6 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. Under this initiative, the Council will participate in data matching exercises and council tax and business rates support information may be provided to the NFI to prevent and detect fraud.
      • When: Upon request
    • Law Enforcement Agencies (e.g. Police authorities). For the purposes of active investigations such as missing persons, proof of life or other law enforcement we may share some personal information where there is a valid legal basis.
      • When: Upon request

Why do we need your information?

Councillors may need to process personal information to be able to investigate matters which they have been asked to pursue in the interests of individuals and groups who live in their ward.

Personal information will be included as part of details of cases of interest, as part of information provided by signatories on petitions, responses to questionnaires and contact details for the purpose of communicating news and updates.

A Councillor performing work for or on behalf of the District Council is a processor of Council data.

For work completed in their capacity as a ward member the Councillor is the sole data controller.

A councillor does not need to register as a data controller with the ICO or pay a data protection fee under the Data Protection (Charges and Information) (Amendment) Regulations 2019.

The legal basis for a Councillors work is Public Task as an elected member.

When undertaking party political activities they will rely on consent.

What data do we collect?

For district council work most data is provided to a Councillor by the District Council. For Ward work most data is provided to a Councillor directly by constituents or third-parties supporting individuals. To provide their services a councillor may need to process:

  • Personal identifiers and contact details
  • Details of concerns, complaints or problems.
  • Witness statements, research or other evidence to support a case or make a statement.

Occasionally it may be necessary to collect special category data if it is relevant to your enquiry. A Councillor may ask for your consent to share this data (in which case you may opt out of it's sharing at any time), or where the is public interest they may rely on substantial public interest to process your information.

Who we share your information with

The sharing of data by Councillors will vary greatly depending on the specific issue they are dealing with. In general if you have a concern about a service, organisation or third-party it is reasonable to expect we will need to share at least some information about your case with this party. We may also share your information with third parties who may be able to resolve concerns such as:

  • The department of work and pensions
  • The NHS or healthcare providers
  • Schools
  • Charities or grant providing organisations
  • Other elected members of your parish, county or where appropriate your MP
  • District Council officers where it relates to your enquiry or as part of the support services offered to elected members

How long do we keep your information?

Generally a Councillor will process information for the length of any active cases and then it will be stored for one year after to allow time for appeals or further investigations.

Data may be kept for longer if there is a legal requirement to do so.

If consent is withdrawn for support, case files will be deleted at the earliest opportunity where there is no legal requirement for their retention.

All data is managed in accordance with the District Council general privacy notice and reasonable security measures are in place to protect personal data.

Why do we need your information?

The Democratic Services area is responsible for the management and administration of the Council's political functions. To deliver these services we need to process personal information to:

  • Administer Council & Committee meetings
  • Enable Council Officers and elected Members to contact you regarding Council and Ward business
  • Administer allowances and expenses
  • Maintain a register of members interests for district, town and parish councils
  • Receive and administrate petitions
  • Deliver administrative support to elected members

Our lawful basis to process personal data for these purposes is Public Task supported by the following legislation:

  • Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 when publishing notices of meetings
  • Local Government Act 1972 as amended when administering Council and Committee meetings
  • The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 when reporting on meetings
  • Local Government and Housing Act 1989 when ensuring political balance on Committees
  • Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990 when administering the notification of your wish to be treated as a member of a political group
  • Finance Act 2011 when paying member allowances and expenses
  • Localism Act 2011 when maintaining a Register of Members’ Interests

What data do we collect?

To deliver our services we may need to collect:

  • Name and contact details
  • Photographs of members for ID badges and publication on Council websites and promotional materials
  • Financial or personal interests members or their partners have related to Council business
  • Date of birth
  • Any health conditions you disclose to support access to Council business
  • Bank and transactional details for the purpose of processing allowances and expenses
  • Vehicle details for the payment of expenses
  • Membership of political parties to by publicly accessible as required in candidate nomination packs
  • Video and audio recordings of attendees at Council and Committee meetings

Who we share your information with

With whom


The Register of Members’ Interests for District Councillors and Parish and Town Councillors is published on the Council’s website.

Upon receipt



The annual allowance (including expenses) received by each member is published on the Council’s website.


Agendas and reports for council and committee meetings are published on the Council’s website 5 clear days in advance of the relevant meeting.

In advance of the relevant meeting

Meeting details (minutes, decisions and webcasts) are published on the Council’s website.

After the meeting has taken place

Internal council services which are relevant to your role including: Payroll & Human Resources for the purposes of paying allowances.

Upon receipt

Photographs and contact details are published on the Council’s intranet which is open to view by Members and Council officers.

Upon taking up office

Department of Works and Pensions for the purposes of paying member allowances.

Upon receipt

Why do we need your information?

As part of the Council Plan, our Economic Development team manage the Economic Development Strategy. To achieve the strategy objectives we may need to process personal information to:

  • Keep interested parties informed of economic development opportunities and progress
  • Create networks and engage communities in economic development
  • Support the Council with targeted actions
  • Encourage tourism and investment in the District

What data do we collect?

To deliver these services we may need to collect:

  • Personal Identifiers and contact information
  • Opinions and feedback on Economic Development topics
  • Images and/or video to support the strategy (with your consent)
  • Business Details (which may include your personal information)

Who we share your information with

With whom


Relevant internal council service

Upon request or where required for strategy goals

Business directory

Upon request


How long do we keep your information?

Information is kept for the length of the project it relates to and up to 6 years after is required for a purpose (Limitation Act). You may withdraw your consent for newsletters and updates at any time by replying to one of our communications. Businesses may withdraw from the directory by contacting the economic development team. images and video may be kept as stock footage indefinitely. While you may withdraw your consent for an image/video, if it has already been published we may not be able to fully remove it from the world but we will take steps to remove it from platforms we control. 


Why do we need your information?

As a local authority we have a legal responsibility to run various elections across the District. We do need to process personal data to manage this service and our legal basis for this is Public Task under the following legislation: Representation of the People Act 1983, Representation of the People Regulations 2001, Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013, and the Employment Rights Act 1996. We may also process some special category data under the substantial public interest legal basis where it is needed to determine voter eligibility, maintain electoral registers or process anonymous register applications. We use personal data to:

  • Prepare and conduct elections and referendums in line with the statutory duties of the Electoral Registration Officer and Returning Officer
  • Conduct canvass and send related communications to ensure accurate voter data
  • To compile the Electoral Register and check your eligibility for inclusion in the Electoral Register
  • Employ persons to run and/or support elections and canvasses

The ERO & RO is registered as a data controller for election purposes with the ICO (Ref: ZA146754). If you wish to make a complaint or have concerns about the use of personal data at any Stroud election please contact and include 'Elections' in your subject line.

What data do we collect?

We may collect the following information to run this service:

  • Name, address, date of birth and nationality
  • Unique identifiers (such as your national insurance number) and signature for absent vote checking
  • Contact details that you have provided to us (email address and telephone numbers)
  • Scanned application forms and evidence that you have sent us (e.g. marriage certificates, driving license, passport etc)
  • Notes regarding relevant circumstances that you have advised us of
  • Your previous or redirected address
  • Additional occupants at your address
  • If you are under 18 or over 76
  • Your opt out preference for the Open Register
  • Right to Work and employment details which includes bank details (this is only collected if you work for us during an election or canvass)
  • Any consultation responses including evidence submitted and your connection to the community as part of any Boundary Review, Community Governance Review or Polling District Review.

Who we share your information with


With whom


To verify your identity, the data you provide will be processed by the Individual Electoral Registration Digital Service managed by the Cabinet Office. As part of this process your data will be shared with the Department of Work and Pensions and the Cabinet Office suppliers that are data processors for the Individual Electoral Registration Digital Service. You can find more information about this here  

At the time of registration

The open Electoral Register may be purchased (in whole or in part) by anyone for any purpose.

NB. Data subjects can opt out of this version of the register at any time.

Upon request

The (full) Electoral Register can be accessed by anyone. The register is available for inspection at The Council Offices, Ebley Mill, Ebley Wharf, Stroud, GL5 4UB.

Upon request

Registered credit reference agencies can purchase the full register on 1st December each year and request monthly updates of the register for the remaining registration period (usually up to August the following year).

Upon request

The full register may be requested lawfully for electoral purposes only by registered political parties, elected representatives (including MPs, councillors etc.), candidates, election and polling station agents, Parish/Town Councils and other eligible organisations (e.g. any police force in Great Britain, The National Crime Agency, etc.)

Upon request

After an election or referendum, the persons listed immediately above may also request the Marked Electoral Register (which comprises details of whether living individuals have voted (but not how they have voted).

Upon request within 1 year of the date of the election/referendum.

Full registers will be provided to the British, UK Statistics Authority, the Electoral Commission, Boundary Commission and any other statutory recipients of the Electoral Register (e.g. the local boundary commission). 

Upon request or 1 December revised register publication

The full register is provided to the central government National Fraud Initiative organisation. Further details can be found here.

Upon request or at the time of the 1 December Revised Register publication.

The full register is provided to the Jury Central Summoning Bureau to indicate those persons who are aged 76 or over and are no longer eligible for jury service (such persons being duly marked on the register provided).

1 December  Revised Register publication

Relevant details on the full register are occasionally shared with the Council’s Audit Services, Revenue and Benefits Service or Tenancy Management Services when they are investigating cases of fraud.

Upon request

Contracted printers to print Poll Cards, Postal Packs and other election material. Their privacy information can be found here.

When any written communication needs to be sent to you

The Council’s software provider will store the information on the Electoral Registration Officer’s instructions. 


The purposes of staff working an election or canvassing work, please also see additional Temporary Staff privacy notice which can be found here. Your details may be shared with staff working on the election or canvass. We will also share your details with our payroll provider and provide your personal information to organisations such as the court service or HMRC (e.g. Real-Time Tax Purpose)

During election or canvass periods

The full register will be provided to the Department of Working Pensions (DWP) along with any local data assets such as council tax, housing benefit and any other datasets held by Stroud District Council for data matching for the purposes of the new Canvass Reform 2020 and for each annual canvass thereafter.

At the time of the beginning of the annual canvass in early July.

Property responses (both electronic and paper return) as part of the annual canvass are co-ordinated by Civica Election Services on behalf of Stroud District Council. The provider’s privacy information can be found

During canvass period only

Any Boundary Review, Community Governance or Polling District Review’s consultation responses and supporting evidence will be anonymised and published as part of the relevant consultation response and final recommendations on our website, interested individuals who have submitted a response/interest, elected Members, Parishes & Towns, Gloucestershire County Council, any neighbouring authorities who need to provide comment, Local Boundary Commission for England and any Working Member Group established.

Why do we need your information?

The Council has a number of statutory and legal functions related to Environmental Protection and Animal Welfare. Our legal basis' for the following purposes is Public Task:

  • To allow investigation of statutory nuisances, environmental offences and service requests.
  • To administer environmental permits and animal-related licences.
  • To administer the regulation of private water supplies.
  • To administer the regulation of contaminated land.
  • To administer the statutory stray dog function.

What data do we collect?

To deliver these services we may collect:

  • Personal identifiers, contacts and characteristics (for example, name and contact details)
  • Photo or Video evidence of breaches of regulation
  • Location data of suspected enforcement breach sites
  • Other evidence in support an enforcement case

We may receive information from third parties reporting incidents or providing evidence for active investigations. These third parties may include the public, the police and other local authorities or government departments.

Who we share your information with

With whom


Police as part of the investigation of offences.

Upon request or when necessary.

Other local authorities, in particular neighbouring authorities where there may be cross-boundary issues or overlapping functions (e.g. Gloucestershire County Council services including Animal Health, Planning, Highways, Public Rights of Way).

Upon request or when necessary.

Environment Agency as part of the investigation of offences.

Upon request or when necessary.

Animal-related organisations including RSPCA and stray dog kennelling providers as part of the investigation of offences.

Upon request or when necessary.

Relevant agencies and organisations including (but not limited to):

·         Drinking Water Inspectorate

·         Health & Safety Executive

·         Public Health England

·         Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service (HMCTS)

·         Mains water providers.

Upon request or when necessary.

Members of the public where there is a statutory duty to provide a Public Register


Why do we need your information?

We have a responsibility to ensure we administrate Council accounts and make or receive payments to stakeholders. Our legal basis for this is Public Task and Legal Obligation. We use personal information to:

  • To administer the Council’s General Fund and Housing Revenue Accounts.
  • To make payments to employees and suppliers.
  • To receive payments and collect debts where necessary.
  • To process insurance claims made against the Council’s insurance policy.
  • To administer pension records.

What data do we collect?

To provide our finance services we may need to collect: 

  • Personal identifiers and contact details
  • Salaries
  • Payroll Identifiers
  • Bank details
  • Details of services

Who we share your information with

With whom


Bank & Banking Agencies (e.g. BACS).

Time of making payments and collections

Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC).

Submission of various HMRC  returns & orders of information

Her Majesty’s Courts & Tribunals Service (HMCTS) in relation to legal claims.

When legal proceedings are commenced

National Fraud Initiative (NFI) for the purpose of preventing and detecting fraud under Part 6 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. Under this initiative, the Council will participate in data matching exercises and council tax and business rates support information may be provided to the NFI to prevent and detect fraud.


Gloucestershire County Council.

During any insurance claim

Relevant internal service areas within the Council including but not limited to:

·         Legal Services

·         Tenant Services

·         Revenues and Benefits

At the time of processing payments or collecting debts, for the duration of insurance claims

Debt collection Agencies for the collection of debts owed to the Council.

Upon instruction

Our insurers and their agents (e.g. claims handlers, solicitors).

During the contract of insurance

Non personal information (e.g. location details) relating to accidents that occur within the district will be shared with the Council’s insurance brokers and other insurance companies.

For insurance renewals and procurement

Medical or legal experts as part of an insurance claim.

During any insurance claim

External printers for sending correspondence on behalf of the Council.

Upon instruction

Why do we need your information?

We have a requirement to investigate reports of fly-tipping under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. We also undertake enforcement actions such as fixed penalty notices for littering offences in the district.

Our legal basis for this processing is Public Task.

What data do we collect?

To provide this service we may process:

  • Personal Identifiers (e.g. Names) and contact information of reporters
  • Information provided by third parties for the prevention and detection of crime such as descriptors, car registrations, videos and photos taken by the public.
  • SDC may undertake overt or covert surveillance to gather video or photos of perpetrators or common fly tipping/littering spots.
  • Recordings of interviews under caution under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act


Who we share your information with

  • Courts and Tribunals Service
    • When: When taking legal action
  • Legal Services
    • When: When taking legal action
  • The Public
    • When: If convicted of a crime we may share prosecuted individuals’ personal information to highlight work in the public good and act as a deterrent to others.

Why do we need your information?

The Council has responsibilities to:

  • enable the programmed inspection of premises in accordance with statutory requirements.
  • allow the investigation of accidents, public health incidents, food safety offences, health and safety offences and service requests.
  • administer complaints, contracts, registrations and approvals.
  • administer public burials.
  • keep information on the Personal Security Register relating to individuals who are considered to present a risk to the safety of the Council’s employees and contractors.

Our legal basis to perform these functions is Public Task.

What data do we collect?

To deliver these services we may need to process:

  • Personal identifiers, contact information and characteristics (for example, name and contact details)
  • Information relating to work-related injuries, ill-health and medical interventions in the case of infectious diseases and health and safety incidents.
  • Results of the examination of clinical samples.
  • Evidence gathered in the course of an investigation (including photographs, witness statements and employment records).

Most of this information is collected in the course of exercising our duties. Referrals, enquiries, reports and risks may also be provided by third parties including the public, health professionals, Health & Safety executive, Police, and Fire and Rescue services.

Who we share your information with

With whom


The Council will make certain information such as the name of a registered or approved food business operator, under Article 6(2) of Regulation (EC) 852/2004, publicly available on the Council’s public register. Information will also be shared with the Food Standards Agency to update the national Food Hygiene Rating Scheme.


On receipt of an application and after inspection of relevant food businesses in connection with the food hygiene rating scheme.

Responsible authorities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 in connection with the reporting and investigation of accidents and incidents including:

·         Health and Safety Executive

·         Trading Standards

·         Fire and Rescue Service

·         Care Quality Commission


Throughout the investigation of accidents and incidents. 

Her Majesty’s Revenues and Customs (HMRC) for the detection of fraud.


Upon request or when necessary.

Police for enforcement, safeguarding, prevention and detection of crime and service delivery.


Upon request or when necessary.

Other local authorities, in particular neighbouring authorities where there may be cross-boundary issues or overlapping functions (e.g. Gloucestershire County Council Trading Standards, Fire and Rescue, Planning, Highways, Public Rights of Way, Social Services).


This information will be shared for enforcement, safeguarding, prevention and detection of crime and service delivery.


Upon request or when necessary.

Environment Agency for enforcement, safeguarding, prevention and detection of crime and service delivery.


Upon request or when necessary.

Other agencies and organisations including mains water providers, Drinking Water Inspectorate, Health & Safety Executive, Public Health England, and Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service for enforcement, safeguarding, prevention and detection of crime and service delivery.


Upon request or when necessary.

Relevant internal council services including Community Services, Planning, Environmental Health, Licensing and Building Control for enforcement, safeguarding, prevention and detection of crime and service delivery


Upon request or when necessary.

Information from the Personal Security Register to relevant staff for the purpose of alerting them to potentially violent or aggressive individuals.


Upon request or when necessary.

Why do we need your information?

  • To assess your housing need and relative priority for housing, according to national legislation and local policy.
  • To assess whether the council may owe you a homelessness duty and process homelessness cases.

Our legal basis' for these purposes is Public Task as we have a statutory duty to provide these services. As we also often process special category data, so we have a full picture of your circumstances, and we do this for reasons of substantial public interest (i.e. to provide adequate housing and allocate it in accordance with the law).

What data do we collect?

Most of the information we process is given to us directly by you to provide our services. Sometimes we may also receive information about you from third parties who may be supporting you. These could include medical professionals, support agencies such as citizens advice, other housing providers, other local authorities or government departments.

The information needed for these purposes can be very broad as each individuals needs vary, however in general the data we process can include:

  • Personal identifiers, contacts and characteristics (for example, name and contact details)
  • Personal data relating to an individual, their household members and living circumstances
  • Sensitive personal data, where relevant, relating to an individual’s health, race, sexuality, financial or other personal circumstances where these are relevant to their housing application.

Who we share your information with

With whom


Registered Providers of Affordable Housing

When a bid is made by you on property

Internal council services which are relevant to your application, including (but not limited to) Revenues and Benefits and Tenant Services.

Upon request

Other local authorities, for the purposes of managing applications as well as for the prevention and detection of fraud.

Upon request

Housing and homelessness outreach and support services, where relevant to you or your household’s needs

Upon request

Police for the prevention and detection of crime.

Upon request and when necessary

Department for Work and Pensions for the prevention and detection of fraud

Upon request

External Audit to comply with statutory requirements

Upon request

The Housing Ombudsman in relation to complaints made against the Council

Upon request from the Housing Ombudsman pursuant to a complaint

Your data may be shared with other Gloucestershire local authorities, service providers and agencies including healthcare providers and organisations commissioned by the Council to provide services to you; relevant housing providers; and statutory authorities for the sole purpose of managing the effective delivery of services to support you in accessing and sustaining accommodation and related support services.

Why do we need your information?

Stroud District Council grants and administrates tenancies of its residential housing stock. To provide this service we must process personal information and our legal basis to do so is Contractual for tenancies, Legal for the maintenance of housing stock and Public Task for ensuring occupancy is accurately registered for the purposes of tax and utilities.

Our services are supported by a various legislation including: The Housing Act 1985, The Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998, Administration and Enforcement Regulations 1992.

Occasionally we may need to process special category data and this is done with your consent.

As part of our housing responsibilities we also have a duty to deal with reports of anti-social behaviour in and around our properties which often means the processing of personal information for the prevention and detection of crime.

We may also provide occasional community events or campaigns and any personal data will be processed by consent.

What data do we collect?

Most of the information we process comes directly from you through forms or when you contact us. Occasionally we may receive information from third parties or the public related to tenancy or property maintenance. To deliver our services we may process:

  • Personal Identifiers and contact information
  • Next of kin and emergency contacts
  • Images for identification purposes
  • Images and/or video for promotional purposes (with your consent)
  • Details of benefits received for the administration of rents
  • Financial information for the payment of tenancies and associated charges
  • Images and/or video of your property to evidence repairs, maintenance needs, damage, environmental issues, anti-social behaviour or compliance.
  • Special category data to support applications for benefits, property tenancies, adaptations, grants or other needs.

Who we share your information with

With whom


Internal council services which are relevant to your tenancy including (but not limited to):

·        Housing Benefit in relation to benefit claims

·        Council Tax for the prevention and detection of fraud

·        Housing Advice in relation to tenancy history

·        New Homes and Regeneration in relation to the decanting of council tenants.

Upon request

Department for Work and Pensions for the prevention and detection of fraud.

Upon request

External audit to comply with statutory requirements.

Upon request


Police for the prevention and detection of crime.

Upon request and when necessary

Support agencies acting on behalf of tenants (e.g. P3, Citizens Advice Bureau, Shelter).

Upon request subject to tenant’s prior consent

Homes England (Regulator of Social Housing) to ensure compliance with statutory requirements regarding complaints against the Council.

Upon request

Local Government Ombudsman (LGO)

Upon request of the LGO pursuant to the tenant’s complaint 

Housing Ombudsman

Upon request pursuant to the tenant’s complaint 

Members of Parliament or Councillors

Upon request pursuant to the tenant’s complaint / contact

Housing Associations and other local authorities for the purposes of managing exchanges and transfer applications for housing as well as the prevention and detection of fraud.

Upon request and when necessary

Why do we need your information?

  • Deal with repair issues on new build and refurbishment properties during the defects period which usually lasts about 12 months (the defects process).
  • Expressions of interest, marketing and sales of shared ownership properties.
  • Support the rehousing of tenants and residents due to major refurbishment or demolition of their property (the decant process).
  • Managing the acquisition and disposal process of land and property.
  • Consultations and communications with local residents and stakeholders for new developments and major refurbishments.
  • Legal Agreements associated with new developments.
  • To monitor customer satisfaction e.g. energy use data.

Our legal basis for these purposes is Public Task as we are required to provide adequate housing and support development of shared ownership and new housing in the district.

What data do we collect?

  • Personal identifiers, contacts and characteristics (for example, name and contact details)
  • Customer financial information
  • Housing need data

Who we share your information with

With whom


Relevant contractors, sub-contractors and consultants for the purpose of accessing properties to undertake investigations associated with new developments as well as repairs during the defects period.

During the defects period (usually 12 months from completion of the property). 

Relevant suppliers as part of the decant process

During the decant process.

Relevant internal council services including (but not limited to):

  • Tenant Services for shared ownership sales
  • Right to Buy for shared ownership sales
  • Finance Services for processing payments
  • Audit Services for reviewing data and processes

During the legal sales, decant and audit process.

Statutory consultees

As part of the consulting process. 

Legal Advisors

During sales and agreements.

Homes England

Auditing of schemes provided with Homes England funding 

Why do we need your information?

For the following purposes, our legal basis is Public Task:

  • To investigate offences under the Housing Act 2004, statutory nuisances, environmental offences, drainage offences and respond to service requests.
  • To determine and administer licences for houses in multiple occupation and caravan sites.
  • To investigate land drainage issues and flooding instances.

To process and administer grant and loan applications for disabled facilities adaptations our legal basis is consent.
These services rely on numerous legislation which include but aren't limited to:

  • Land Drainage Acts 1930, 1976,1991
  • Public Health Act 1936 and 1961
  • Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949
  • Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960
  • Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 and 1982
  • Building Act 1984
  • Housing Act 1985
  • Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Statutory nuisance provisions)
  • Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration Act 1996
  • Regulatory Reform Order 2002
  • Housing Act 2004
  • Flood and Water Management Act 2010
  • Mobile Homes Act 2013
  • Housing and Planning Act 2016
  • The Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation (Prescribed Description) (England) Order 2018
  • Stroud District Council Land Drainage Byelaws

What data do we collect?

We may process the following information to deliver this service:

  • Personal identifiers, contacts and characteristics (for example, name and contact details)
  • Financial information
  • Age and Date of Birth
  • Criminal convictions

We may receive information directly from data subjects or through third parties if they are supporting an individual to make a grant or where a third party makes an enquiry related to a complaint or potential criminal act. The most common third parties we receive information from are other local authorities and the Environment Agency.

Who we share your information with

With whom


Police for prevention of crime and disorder.

Upon request.

Other local authorities, in particular neighbouring authorities where there may be cross-boundary issues or overlapping functions (e.g. Disabled Facilities Grants, Land Drainage Functions).

As necessary.

Gloucester County Council Social Services for the purpose of reporting safeguarding concerns regarding vulnerable persons.

As necessary.

Relevant agencies for the purpose of dealing with drainage and flooding matters (e.g. Severn Wye, Energy Agency).

As necessary.

Why do we need your information?

  • To determine a tenant’s Right to Buy application.
  • To deal with matters arising under the transfer or lease of a previously conveyed council house or flat.
  • To administer leasehold and shared ownership properties and respond to any enquiries that arise in connection with them.
  • Comply with a contractual obligation (e.g. perform the landlord’s obligations under a lease).
  • Comply with a legal requirement including (but not limited to):
    • The Housing Act 1985 when determining a Right to Buy application
    • Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 for leasehold management purposes
    • Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 when formally demanding service charges
  • In accordance with the data subjects’ consent when responding to property enquires.

Our legal basis for providing these services is public task as we have a statutory responsibility to assess and process right to buy application.


What data do we collect?

Most of the information for a Right to Buy application is provided to us directly by you on forms and when providing supporting evidence. We may process:

  • Personal identifiers, contacts and characteristics (for example, name and contact details)
  • Previous addresses
  • Bank statements
  • Mortgages statements
  • Mortgage Offer
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Photo ID
  • Credit Check Information for affordability

Who we share your information with

With whom


Valuer (Bennett Jones) for the purpose of valuing the property for Right to Buy purposes.

During the Right to Buy process

Surveyor (MJ Rees) for the purpose of providing a survey print for Right to Buy purposes.

During the Right to Buy process

Energy Performance Certificate for Right to Buy purposes

During the Right to Buy process

Local Authorities and Housing Associations where the Right to Buy applicant has had tenancies with other social landlords.

During the Right to Buy process

Local Authority Counter Fraud Unit and Audit Unit for the purpose of investigating fraud on Right to Buy applications

During the Right to Buy process through to completion and post completion

Ministry of Defence where the Right to Buy applicant has had Armed Forces accommodation. 

During the Right to Buy process

National Anti-Fraud Network, Individual Insolvency Register (The Insolvency Service) and Stroud District Council Benefits Service for the prevention and detection of fraud.

During the Right to Buy process

Relevant internal council services for Right to Buy purposes  including (but not limited to):

·         Legal Services

·         Tenant Services

·         Elections

·         Finance Services

·         Development Services

·         Revenue & Benefits


During the Right to Buy process

Relevant internal council services for dealing with matters associated with transfer documents and deeds including (but not limited to):

·         Legal Services

·         Tenant Services

·         Development Services


Upon application

Relevant internal council services for work associated with Shared Ownership properties including (but not limited to):

·         Legal Services

·         Tenant Services

·         Finance Services

·         Development Services


Upon application

Stroud District Council Elections for the purpose of processing an Area of Outstanding Beauty (S157 of the Housing Act 1985, as amended) consent.


At S157 application for  consent

Gloucestershire County Council Highways for the purpose of Right to Buy application.


During the Right to Buy process

External solicitors for dealing with solicitor enquiries that arise on Shared Ownership and Leasehold properties.


Upon receipt of enquiries

Mortgage lender for dealing with a Deed of Postponement application.

Upon receipt of Deed of Postponement application

External solicitors for dealing with matters associated with transfer documents and deeds including (but not limited to):

·         Section 156a and Section157 enquiries under the Housing Act 1985

·         requests for Deed of Release, Deed of Postponement and consent for alterations

·         Enquiries relating to the repayment of Right to Buy Discount.


Upon receipt of enquiries

The First Tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) for the purpose of responding to an appeal regarding the landlord’s refusal of the Right to Buy application.


During the claim

Why do we need your information?

We have a requirement to administrate the Human Resources function of the Council for employees, applicants, councillors and third parties such as consultants, contractors etc.

Our lawful basis to process your personal data for these purposes are Legal and Contractual enforced by legislation including: Employment Relations Act 1999, Employment Rights Act 1996, Maternity & Parental Leave Regulations 1999, National Minimum Wage Act 1998, Part-Time workers Regulations 2000, TUPE regulations 2006.

We may process personal data to provide services including:

  • Personnel administration, including the processing of payroll and Pensions
  • Employee and industrial relations
  • Equal employment opportunities
  • Occupational Health
  • Recruitment including work experience applications
  • Staff performance monitoring
  • Process of monitoring staff leave and attendance
  • Termination of employment
  • Appointment of Statutory Officers
  • Access to employee benefits (e.g. cycle scheme)

What data do we collect?

We may collect and process the following information to provide our services:

  • Personal identifiers, contacts and characteristics
  • National Insurance Number
  • Bank Details
  • Financial Information including salary details
  • Medical information and absence Records
  • Identification Documents including passport and Birth Certificate
  • Date of Birth
  • Pension Details
  • Emergency Contact Details and next of kin
  • Employee Number
  • Tax Code Details
  • Accident Reports
  • Asbestos Exposure
  • Disciplinary Records
  • Personnel Records
  • Opinions and/or reports of behaviour

Who we share your information with

  • Payroll including HMRC
    • When: Starting or leaving employment and any changes during employment.
  • Occupational Health
    • When: Consent
  • First Care in relation to monitoring employee sickness absence and providing a mechanism for support.
    • When: Starting or leaving employment, any recording of sickness absence
  • DBS – NERO (North East Regional Employers Organisation) for the purpose of performing Disclosure and Barring Service checks on employees.
    • When: During appointment process for relevant job role and upon review.
  • Gloucestershire County Council – Pensions
    • When: Starting or leaving employment and any changes during employment.
  • Office of National Statistics for the purpose of completing and returning questionnaires in accordance with section 17 of the Statistics of Trade Act 1947
    • When: Quarterly
  • UNISON – The Unions for Public Sector workers is engaged by the Council for negotiations on changes to policies, local terms and conditions of employment and entering consultation on wider changes.
    • When: As required
  • Internal and/or external Solicitors for the purpose of resolving employee relations disputes and/or defence of a claim.
    • When: On instruction
  • Approved contractors or internal investigation officer (outside of HR Service) to complete an investigation in resolving disciplinary and grievance issues.
    • When: On instruction
  • Open data published on the website as part of the publications scheme. This includes senior salaries and transparency.
    • When: Annually
  • Internal Audit and External Auditors to check process in accordance with statutory requirements.
    • When: As required
  • E-learning Provider
    • When: Starting or leaving employment and any changes during employment.
  • Cycle scheme for the purpose of purchasing a bicycle through the scheme.
    • When: On instruction

Why do we need your information?

The Council has a requirement to issue and administer licences, permits, consents, authorisations, registrations and notices. We also process objections, complaints and queries from members of the public about licence applications, existing licences or other authorisations.


Our legal basis for this processing is Public Task under the following legislation:

  • Town Police Clauses Act 1847 (Hackney carriage licenses and Temporary road closures)
  • Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 (hackney carriage and private hire licences)
  • Licensing Act 2003 (premises licences, club premises certificates, personal licences and temporary event notices)
  • Gambling Act 2005 (premises licences, permits and notifications, small society lottery registrations and occasional use notices)
  • Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 (street trading consents)
  • Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 (scrap metal dealer licences)
  • Police, Factories Etc (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1916 and Local Government Act 1972 (street collection permits)
  • House to House Collections Act 1939 (house to house collection permits)
  • Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 as amended by Policing and Crime Act 2009 (sex establishment licences).

What data do we collect?

To provide these services we may process personal information including:

  • Personal identifiers, contacts and characteristics (name, address and contact details)
  • Date and place of Birth
  • DVLA driving licence details
  • National Insurance Number
  • Medical Information
  • Criminal Convictions
  • Right to work documentation such as passport or other ID document details
  • Financial information such as bank account number
  • Non conviction information for example safeguarding allegations

Who we share your information with

With whom


The Council will make certain information such as the name of an applicant or the name of a licence/ consent/ permit/ authorisation holder publicly available on the Council’s public register in accordance with the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014.

(all licences)


On receipt of a new application, if a licensing hearing is held and once a licence/ consent/ permit/ authorisation has been granted.

The Council is required to provide an applicant or licence holder copies of any relevant representations (including name and address of representor) that have been made about their application or licence in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003 Hearings Regulations 2005.


(Licensing Act 2003 premises licences and club premises certificates)

 Representations can be made about an application for a licence or a review of a licence.  In accordance with Home Office Guidance sections 9.26 – 9.30, in exceptional circumstances, if the person making representation has genuine fears of intimidation or violence if their personal details such as name an address are divulged to the applicant or licence holder the Council may decide to withhold some or all of a persons personal details from the applicant or licence holder.

Responsible Authorities under the Licensing Act 2003:

·         Police

·         Fire Service

·         Safeguarding Children Board

·         Trading Standards

·         Public Health

·         Planning SDC

·         Environmental Protection Team SDC

·         Health and Safety SDC


(Licensing Act 2003 licences and notices)

On receipt of applications under the Licensing Act 2003

Responsible Authorities under the Gambling Act 2005:

·         Gambling Commission

·         HM Revenues and Customs

·         Police

·         Fire Service

·         Safeguarding Children Board


(Gambling Act 2005 licences and permits)

On receipt of applications under the Gambling Act 2005


(all licence types)

When checking suitability of an applicant at the time of application or renewal.

When investigating a complaint,  suspected offence or convictions for the purpose of determining continued suitability or detecting or  preventing crime.

Home Office

(all licence types)

When checking validity of right to work in the UK for new applicants.

When investigating a complaint or suspected illegal working in the UK.

Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA)

(hackney and private hire licences)

When checking suitability of an applicant at the time of application or renewal and of continuing suitability.

Motor Insurance Companies

(hackney and private hire licences)

When checking validity of vehicle insurance.

Other Licensing Authorities where the applicant or licence holder may have previously held a licence

(all licence types)

When checking suitability of applicant or authorisation/licence holder that may have held licences or been refused and application by another local authority

Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC)

(all licence types)

Annual returns sent to HMRC for the purpose of detecting tax fraud and individual cases on request from HMRC

Department of Works and Pensions (DWP)

( all licence types

As requested from DWP for the purpose of detecting benefit fraud

Integrated Transport Unit

(hackney and private hire licences only)

As requested in relation to complaint or concerns about suitability of  taxi or private hire licence holders that have Gloucestershire County Council school contracts

3rd party organisations that process DBS criminal checks and DVLA checks

(hackney and private hire licences only)

On application and renewal and when relevant for managing the process for undertaking DBS criminal checks and DVLA checks for checking suitability of a new applicant and continuing suitability

National Fraud Initiative (NFI)

(all licence types)

Annual Returns for the purpose of detecting fraud

County Council Safeguarding

(all licence types)

When investigating a complaint,  or safeguarding concern for the purpose of determining continued suitability or safeguarding children or vulnerable persons

Gambling Commission

(premises licences, permits, small society lottery registrations  issued under the Gambling Act)

When investigating a complaint and for the purpose of determining continued suitability

Environment Agency

(scrap metal dealer licences)

When checking suitability of an applicant at the time of application or renewal.

When investigating a complaint,  suspected offence or convictions for the purpose of determining continued suitability or detecting or  preventing crime

National Scrap Metal dealers register hosted by the Environment Agency



3rd Parties involved in taxi and private hire assessments including GPs, driver assessment providers and  authorised garages, meter fitters

(hackney and private hire licences)


Checking suitability of applicant or licence holder or vehicle

Internal council services which are relevant to your enquiry including (but not limited to):

·         Planning and buildings

·         Community and Environmental

·         Public Safety


Checking suitability of an applicant or site relating to a licence/authorisation application where relevant.

When investigating a complaint,  suspected offence or convictions

Why do we need your information?

The Museum in the Park (Stroud District (Cowle) Museum Service) is provided by means of a partnership between Stroud District Council and the Stroud District (Cowle) Museum Trust. The Council provide the operational management and funding for the service and the Trust are the legal guardians of the collections.  Data is collected and processed by both bodies as joint controllers to deliver the Museum Service and follows the Data Protection Policies and Procedures set out by the District Council. The service may need to process personal information to:

  • Process and administer bookings and memberships
  • Manage museum collections and associated information.
  • Provide an enquiry service in connection with exhibitions and collections.
  • Maintain a contacts register for those working or volunteering in the field of heritage or museums (e.g. Trustees, Friends Committee, Local History Society reps, museum volunteers).
  • Maintain a mailing list and take photographs for marketing and information purposes.
  • Seek feedback on services
  • Monitor website and museum usage

Our legal basis' for these purposes is Contractual for memberships, collections and employees/volunteers. For newsletters, feedback and enquiries we will use consent. We will also use Legitimate Interest for general monitoring of usage to ensure we're providing the services our communities value.

What data do we collect?

To deliver these services we may need to collect:

  • Personal identifiers and contact information
  • IP and cookie consent for the website
  • Opinions and feedback
  • Financial information to process memberships and fees
  • Member records
  • Images and/or video for promotional purposes (consent required)

Who we share your information with

With whom


Shared with event provider/workshop in appropriate cases.


Before scheduled event.

Photographs may be sent to printers/publishers for the purposes of producing Museum material.


Upon request.

District Council Officers and Councillors

When required for the administration of the museum and employee/volunteer details for HR purposes.

The Public

When comments, feedback or images are used for promotion or where you have signed an on display comment book


For the processing of newsletters and emails to supporters

Civica pay and/or Gov Pay

When processing a payment

Why do we need your information?

The Council has a statutory requirement to:

  • Provide pre-application advice to planning applicants
  • Determine planning applications and process representations
  • Represent the Council at planning appeals
  • Investigate planning enforcement matters.
  • Implement and manage the collection of Community Infrastructure Levy
  • Collect financial contributions, deliver community infrastructure projects which result from planning obligation and respond to relevant enquiries related to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

Our legal basis for processing data for these purposes is Public Task related to, but not limited to the legislation of:

  • Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and associated secondary legislation
  • Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and associated secondary legislation (e.g. Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010)

What data do we collect?

To deliver these services we may process:

  • Personal identifiers and contact information (e.g. names, addresses, contact details)
  • Opinions and responses to consultations related to planning applications and enforcement actions
  • Job Titles and employers of professional consultees

Who we share your information with

With whom


Your information will be shared with other services within the Council including Building Control.


During the determination of a planning application.

Questions and request for information may be shared with Gloucestershire County Council which includes the following service areas: Strategic Planning, Transportation and Education.

During the determination of a planning application.

Your planning application and associated documents will be published on the Council’s planning website (Public Access).

In accordance with statutory requirements.

Statutory consultees.


During the determination of a planning application.

Historic England

During the determination of a planning application.

Environment Agency

During the determination of a planning application.

Homes and Communities Agency

During the determination of a planning application.

Natural England

During the determination of a planning application.

Historic England

During the determination of a planning application.

Highways England

During the determination of a planning application.

Planning inspectorate.


During a planning appeal.

Why do we need your information?

The Councils Planning Strategy service has a responsibility to:

  • Seek views on planning documents to draft Local Plan and supplementary planning documents
  • Answer questions and provide information regarding planning policies.
  • Maintain and promote a list of individuals and groups of individuals who are interested in self or custom build in their area.
  • To coordinate grant schemes for business regeneration
  • To maintain a business directory which is used to communicate with interested businesses regarding regeneration matters.

Our legal basis' for these purposes is Public Task.

What data do we collect?

  • Personal identifiers, contacts and characteristics (for example, name and contact details)
  • Photos, videos or documents submitted to the Council
  • Responses to consultations for use to inform future stages of plan making and ultimately become evidence for public examination of plans. These will be shared on the Council’s website. Any published responses will be redacted to exclude your personal information but will include your name as required at Regulation 19 stage. Personal data related to consultations will be kept for 6 years after which responses are pseudonymised, unless a consultee requests earlier deletion.
  • Your other personal information will not be made publicly available, but is shared with the Inspector of the Stroud District Local Plan, the Planning Inspectorate and their Programme Officer. They will use this information to contact you regarding your Stroud District Local Plan consultation response both generally (unless you have not asked to be so notified) and where statutorily required under the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

Who we share your information with

With whom


Questions and request for information may be shared with County Council which includes the following service areas: Strategic Planning, Transportation and Education.

Upon request or when necessary.

The Civil Aviation Authority

Upon request or when necessary.

Environment Agency

Upon request or when necessary.

Homes and Communities Agency

Upon request or when necessary.

Natural England

Upon request or when necessary.

Office of Rail and Road

Upon request or when necessary.

Historic England

Upon request or when necessary.

Gloucestershire National Health Trust

Upon request or when necessary.

Highways England

Upon request or when necessary.

Marine Management Organisation

Upon request or when necessary.

Business Directory

Upon request or when necessary.

Why do we need your information?

Property Services may need to process personal information to provide the following services: 

  • Letting and managing of leased commercial property.
  • Managing the acquisition and disposal process of land and property.
  • Valuations of properties.
  • Dealing with work associated with the management and maintenance of the Council’s property portfolio or on behalf of others.
  • Dealing with work associated with general property enquiries.

Our legal basis for processing data for these purposes is Public Task where managing Council assets and Contractual when providing commercial services.

What data do we collect?

To provide this service we may process:

  • Personal Identifiers and contact information of customers
  • Financial Information when completing business transactions
  • Any other personal information required to fulfil a contract - individual contracts will detail the personal information required to provide a service. Failure to provide contractually required information may mean we cannot provide you with a commercial service.

Who we share your information with

With whom


Elected members for work associated with the management and maintenance of the Councils’ property portfolio.

Upon application

Elected members for work associated with the acquisition and disposal of the Councils’ property portfolio.

During the letting/disposal process

Commercial agents for the purpose of marketing properties for disposal (freehold and leasehold).

During the letting/disposal  process

Valuers (Bruton Knowles) for the purpose of valuing properties for asset valuations.

Upon instruction

Town and parish councils for work associated with the disposal of land and property.


During the disposal process

External solicitors for dealing with associated works relating to transfer documents and deeds.


Upon receipt of enquiry

External solicitors for dealing with associated works relating to the letting of property.


Upon application

Why do we need your information?

The council has a responsibility to manage a number of public spaces and their associated functions. Our lawful basis for providing the services related to these spaces is Public Task supported by legislation outlined here.

  • Cemeteries: To administer public burials.
    • Various Burial Acts for Cemeteries (e.g. Burial Acts 1853 to 1906), Local Government Act 1972, The Local Authorities’ Cemeteries Order 1977, The Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984
  • Commons: To maintain a register of common land within Stroud district which includes the following commons:
    • Selsley, Assley & Hareley, Bradley Green, Cam Peak & Longdown
      • Commons Act 2006, Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981), Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (as amended)
  • Play Areas: To manage play areas under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976
  • Service requests: To deal with requests relating to trees on Council land or Housing land.

What data do we collect?

To provide these services we may need to collect:

  • Personal identifiers and contact information
  • Location data when related to an area
  • Opinions/feedback
  • Images or video of an incident or issue
  • Financial information for payments
  • Next of kin and emergency contacts
  • Health or medical information if related to an accident/injury (processed with your consent)

Who we share your information with

With whom


Applicants, next of kin and authorised individuals in relation to burials and cemeteries.


During burial process.

Funeral Directors for purposes of administering burials.


During burial process.

Relevant contractors (e.g. Idverde) for purposes of administering burials.


During burial process.

Registrar for purposes of administering burials.


During burial process.

Relevant external contractors for dealing with commons, trees, play areas and service level requests.


In response to a request.

Relevant internal council services including (but not limited to):

·         Legal Services in relation to accident claims for play areas

·         Finance in relation to public burials

·         Customer Services in relation to public burials

·         Environmental Health in relation to public burials.


In response to a request.

External solicitors in relation to accident claims for play areas.

During claim process.

Why do we need your information?

The Council has a duty to promote and protect the welfare and safety of children, young people and vulnerable adults in line with:

  • The Children Act 2004
  • Working Together to Safeguard Children Act 2015
  • The Care Act 2015

To report safeguarding concerns and where necessary refer concerns onto the Gloucestershire Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) we may need to process personal information. We may also be required to share personal information at Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARAC). Our legal basis for this is Public Task or in a high risk situation Vital Interests. Individuals may have the right to withdrawal from the service where it does not put them at high risk of harm.

More information on our safeguarding can be found on our safeguarding webpage.

What data do we collect?

To provide this service we may collect:

  • Personal identifiers and contact information of individuals
  • Health and other special category information gathered directly from the data subject or via third parties if there is a high risk of harm.
  • Photos or Video of safeguarding concerns gathered by individuals of third parties.
  • We may also receive referrals into our housing advice service where they pertain to the safeguarding of an individual. This could mean from domestic abuse charities, social workers etc.

Who we share your information with

With whom


Internal council services that are relevant to your case including the Safeguarding Operational Lead.

Within 24-48 hours from form completion.  


Gloucestershire Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) consists of the following organisations:


·         Gloucestershire County Council Children and Social Care services, Education services and Public Health services

·         Gloucestershire Police

·         Gloucestershire Fire Service

·         Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group

·         Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Gloucestershire

·         Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Services: Splitz Ltd and Greensquare Ltd.




If the case reaches a level 3-4 on the   Gloucestershire Levels of Intervention threshold, the Council will share all relevant details with MASH via a Multi Agency Referral Form (MARF).


Information will also be shared with MASH where the case details  are to be used as evidence towards a larger case. 

Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Board (GSCB) to comply with statutory guidance.

If requested by  Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Board (GSCB).

Gloucestershire Safeguarding Adult Board (GSAB) to comply with statutory guidance.

If requested by  Gloucestershire Safeguarding Adult  Board (GSAB).

Department of Education to comply with statutory guidance.


If requested by  Department of Education.

Cases will be discussed for learning purposes anonymously at Stroud District Council Safeguarding Group meetings, without any personal details being shared.


Quarterly per annum.


Safeguarding groups to confirm relevant actions have been taken where a referral has been received.

When relevant to the case and to confirm duty of care.

Why do we need your information?

The Council owned Stratford Park hosts many events throughout the year and is available for hire. To provide this hiring service we do need to process personal data and our legal basis for this is contractual.

Applicants will provide us their personal information on an event notification form.

What data do we collect?

To deliver this service we may need to collect:

  • Personal identifiers and contact details
  • Event details
  • Key contacts for the event in case of emergency etc.
  • Images and/or video of any suspected misuse of the park during an event
  • Opinions and feedback on events if there is any public nuisance or other suspected crime and disorder

Who we share your information with

With whom


Relevant internal Council services including, but not limited to: Community Services, Licensing and Environmental Health.

Upon request or when necessary

Police as part of the event booking or investigation of offences and to prevent crime and disorder

Upon request or when necessary

Environment Agency as part of the event or investigation of offences

Upon request or when necessary

Animal-related organisations including RSPCA and SDC Animal Health Team as part of the event or investigation of offences within the park

Upon request or when necessary

Relevant agencies and organisations including, but no  limited to:-
Health & Safety Executive
Public Health England
Her Majesty’s Courts & Tribunal Service
Sports and Leisure Management (Everyone Active)

Ubico Grounds Maintenance

Upon request or when necessary

Other local authorities, in particular neighbouring authorities where there may be cross-boundary issues or overlapping functions – for example Gloucestershire County Council services such as Animal Health, Highways and Environmental Health

Upon request or when necessary

Members of the public where there is a statutory duty to provide a Public Register


Why do we need your information?

The Pulse Dursley is a Council owned leisure facility. The facility runs and manages a range of services and will need to process personal data to:

  • administer customer memberships including casual users
  • administer school and children’s swimming lesson programmes
  • provide health and fitness services for the Healthy Lifestyles scheme
  • send newsletters to customers including promotions and operational changes
  • send surveys to gather feedback on services we provide
  • comply with health & safety legislation
  • maintain waiting lists for services

Our lawful basis to process your personal data for these purposes are Contractual where you have a membership or have signed up for a services/class etc., Legal Obligation for health & safety and safeguarding, and for newsletters Consent. Where you have provided health information for health & safety purposes we process this with you explicit consent.

What data do we collect?

To deliver our services we may need to collect:

  • Personal identifiers and contact details
  • Emergency/Next of kin contact details
  • Any medical conditions which will affect or hinder your ability to take part in physical activity programs
  • Bank and transactional details for the purpose of processing payments and Direct Debits
  • Monitor usage through attendance to activities and classes
  • Accident and Incident Details

Who we share your information with

  • Members email addresses are shared with a marketing company “Mighty” for the purpose of sending newsletters to members (in accordance with the data subject’s consent).
    • When: Quarterly.
  • Medical details will be shared with medical services.
    • When: In cases of emergency.
  • “Bodiatrax” for the purpose of monitoring your health and fitness goals.
    • When: Upon request by the data subject.
  • Solicitors for the purpose of defending any accident claims.
    • When: As required
  • Participating schools for the purpose of monitoring a pupil’s progress in the swimming lessons programme.
    • When: Upon request.
  • Health & Safety executive for reporting of RIDDOR incidents.
    • When: As required
  • Move GB for participation statistics of classes
    • When: When a Move GB participant signs up and/or uses a service

Why do we need your information?

Stroud District Council (SDC) deliver youth and community work with and for young people in the Stroud district through its dedicated youth service. Find out more about our youth work.

To provide this service we need to process personal information. Our legal basis for this processing is Consent. Participants have the right to withdraw consent and can do so by contacting their youth officer or via our contact us page.

What data do we collect?

  • To provide this service we may process:
  • Personal Identifiers (e.g. Names) and contact information of participants and guardians
  • Consent to be involved with the projects
  • Emergency contact details and health information you have provided.
  • Opinions, photographs and video of events and participants

Who we share your information with

With whom and why



Relevant Schools and Colleges for the purpose of supporting members in their educational environments and to highlight their participation in SDC youth service projects and programmes outside of such places.

As and when required

Relevant organisations that deliver or promote services for young people for the purpose of members influencing the policies and practices of services delivered for young people with view to making improvements. This also promotes the work and achievements of members in their community.

As and when required

Agencies relative to Safeguarding in Gloucestershire e.g. SDC Safeguarding, Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children’s Board Multi-Agency Safeguarding Team, Children’s Services and the Police for the purposes of complying with SDC Safeguarding Policy.

As and when required

Other Local Authorities and their commissioned service providers for the purpose of: members influencing the policies and practices of services delivered for young people with view to making improvements. This also promotes the work and achievements of members in their community.

As and when required

General Media and Social Media including; SDC and Stroud Youth Voice websites, Newspapers, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram for the purposes of communicating information about SDC youth service projects and programmes. This also promotes the work and achievements of members in their community.

Daily and weekly

British Youth Council (BYC) for the purpose of enabling members to influence BYC projects and programmes and subsequently the policies and practices of national organisations including the UK Government. This also promotes the work and achievements of members in their community.

Why do we need your information?

The 2030 programme and are projects of Stroud District Council and partner organisations to reduce the climate impact within Gloucestershire. Any information processed will be used to raise climate awareness and provide information or services to individuals and businesses to help reduce climate and environmental impact. Most of the information we process is provided directly by users of our services to:

  • Communicate project updates, newsletters, and other legitimate interest communications to fulfil the programme terms.
  • To gather and analyse community opinions and feedback for strategy development purposes.
  • To connect parties who have expressed interest in retrofit solutions via with retrofit project contractors and services.

Please see our general privacy notice at for our contact information and your information rights.

What data do we collect?

If you provide it to us, we will process the following personal information to provide our services:

  • Contact Information including names, emails and addresses.
  • Survey responses which may include personal opinions
  • Demographic information (health, ethnicity, gender, age, homeowner status, employment status, basic financial information)
  • Photos (with your consent) for promotional purposes

Who we share your information with

With whom


Severn Wye Energy Agency

When a request for support or advice is submitted

Retrofit Contractors

When necessary

Gloucestershire County Council

Upon request or when necessary

South Gloucestershire County Council

Upon request or when necessary

Gloucester City Council

Upon request or when necessary

Cotswold Borough Council

Upon request or when necessary

Tewkesbury Borough Council

Whenever a user identifies that they live in Tewkesbury Borough through the survey. As a partner organisation pseudonymised information may also be shared for reporting purposes.


How long do we keep your information?

  • We will store personal information for 6 years from the date of last interaction with the project or until an individual requests its deletion.
  • Opinions and demographic information will be anonymized and kept for the length of the programme.
  • Photos will be kept indefinitely as stock images and part of published updates.
Last reviewed: