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I'm at risk of being homeless

The council will offer housing advice and support whether you are threatened with, or actually homeless.

Depending on your circumstances we may be able to house you temporarily if you have nowhere to go. If this is not possible, we will do everything we can to help you resolve your housing problems.

If you are threatened with homelessness within 56 days, or you are homeless right now, please click on the button below to access the Housing Assistance Referral Portal and register.

Register for assistance

Once we have your details our Housing Team will be in touch to discuss your situation. We may be able to offer you advice over the phone or we will arrange an appointment with an officer.

Reporting someone who you believe may be sleeping rough
To report someone as rough sleeping, please complete a referral through Streetlink:


We ask that you provide as much detail as possible while completing this. The more detail you can provide, the quicker the Outreach service can find the person so we can offer support and help. Inaccurate or incomplete information may result in delays to providing support.

Emergency help in cold weather
Gloucestershire’s local authorities have developed a county wide severe weather protocol (SWEP) in a humanitarian response to prevent deaths on the county’s streets due to extreme cold weather. This is implemented when there is a temperature forecast of 0 degrees or lower for three or more consecutive dates or a temperature of minus 3 degrees or lower for one night only and applies to everyone who is rough sleeping without the financial means or capacity to secure accommodation during the period of extreme weather.