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Condensation and mould

Condensation and mould

Condensation and mould can be really hard to deal with especially during the winter months.

Condensation is a very common form of damp where moisture generated through everyday living condenses on cold surfaces in the home; typically around windows, behind furniture or in colder parts of the property. 

If you are having problems with damp and mould please see our condensation factsheet in the side-bar.   Please follow the advice for 6 weeks but if the problem does not improve please contact environmental.Health@Stroud.Gov.UK.   It is also important that you inform your landlord about the problem in writing, so that the causes can be investigated. 

If you are struggling with the cost of heating your home adequately further advice is available here.  The Council also works in partnership with Warm and Well to help households lower fuel bills and improve energy efficiency.  Please contact the helpline for advice and information on how the scheme can help you - 0800 500 3076

For further advice and guidance the following resources maybe useful:



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