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Local Plan Review | Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan | Regulation 19 Consultation May 2021

The Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan is available to download here, chapter by chapter. If you would like to make comments in response to this public consultation, please return to the main Local Plan Review web page to find our online response form.


Contents page of the Stroud District Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan 2021

The Contents Page is available as a PDF, with hyperlinks that will take you directly to each of the chapters / parts listed below:

Part 1

This PDF contains:

  • Introduction | Local Plan Review | Regulation 19 consultation
  • Chapter 1 Setting the scene: Why do we need a plan?

Part 2

This chapter sets out the Local Plan's overall strategy for managing growth and development across the District, up to 2040. It describes the Plan's overarching objectives for the future. It sets out where future strategic development will go and explains the levels and types of growth that have been planned for, in order to meet the District's needs. Includes Core Policies CP1 - CP6.

Part 3

In developing a Local Plan for the District, it is important to have a vision of the kind of place we want to be living in, working in or visiting in the future. This chapter takes a closer look at the opportunities, needs, priorities and distinct characteristics of different parts of the District. Includes a summary of the development strategy for individual settlements, site allocation policies and "mini visions" for each of the parish cluster areas:

Part 4

Includes Core Policies CP7 - CP10 and a series of Delivery Policies.

Part 5

Includes Core Policies CP11 - CP13 and a series of Delivery Policies.

Part 6

Includes Core Policies CP14 - CP15 and a series of Delivery Policies.

Part 7

This PDF contains:

  • Chapter 7: Delivery and Monitoring (note: the site names in the Delivery Table page 306 have been corrected 15-06-21)
  • Appendix A: Settlement Development Limit Changes

Part 8

This PDF contains:

  • Appendix B: areas for renewable energy
  • Appendix C: parking standards
  • Appendix D: policies map changes
  • Appendix E: Glossary
  • Image credits and information


If you would like to comment on the Draft Local Plan, please return to the main Local Plan Review web page.

The Draft Local Plan is structured around a series of 8 Parish Clusters