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Local Plan Review Emerging Strategy 2018

CONSULTATION NOW CLOSED - Emerging Strategy Consultation

The purpose of this Emerging Strategy consultation was to understand:-

  • Have we identified the main issues and needs relating to the places you live, work or visit in Stroud District?
  • Do you support the potential strategy for addressing these issues and meeting future development needs? Or do you support an alternative approach?

This Emerging Strategy consultation involved:

  • Public exhibitions We held public exhibitions around the District during the consultation period. This provided an opportunity to chat to officers working on the Local Plan review. 
  • Town and parish councils workshop We met with town and parish councils to discuss issues across different parts of the District.
  • Direct communication We emailed agents, developers, key stakeholders, local interest groups and members of the public who had expressed an interest in being kept informed.
  • Individual groups We held bespoke meetings to capture views. Please contact us if you know of a group that would like to get involved in future consultation events.


The Stroud District Local Plan Review –Emerging Strategy Paper

Emerging Strategy Background Papers


Sustainability Appraisal

Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report

Sustainability Appraisal Report Nov 2018

Sustainability Appraisal Report Appendix


Emerging Strategy consultation responses

We received representations from 811 individuals and organisations, plus three petitions. A consultation report has been produced, which provides a high level summary of the number and type of responses we received to each question posed in the Emerging Strategy paper. View the Emerging Strategy consultation response.