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Local Plan Review Additional Housing Options 2020

Additional Housing Options Consultation - 21st October 2020 to 16th December 2020

The District Council is in the process of reviewing the current Stroud District Local Plan. The first stage was an Issues and Options public consultation, which took place during autumn 2017. A second public consultation on the Emerging Strategy ran from 16th November 2018 until 18th January 2019, and most recently a public consultation on the Draft Local Plan took place from 20th November 2019 until 22nd January 2020.

Additional housing options

In August 2020, the Government published a consultation document which proposed changes to the way the Government calculates the minimum housing requirement for each local authority area in the country. This revised standard method has proposed increasing the requirement for Stroud District from the level set out in the 2019 Draft Local Plan of 638 homes per annum, to 786 homes per annum. If this new revised method is confirmed, a revised Draft Local Plan may have to identify further land within the District for housing. Current monitoring indicates that we may have to find land for an additional 1,050 – 2,400 homes between now and 2040.

The Council is therefore consulting on additional housing options and sites, which could be brought into the emerging Local Plan, if required. We would also like your views on whether and how a reserve housing supply should be identified, in case any of the Local Plan’s site allocations were to fall short on delivering the numbers of homes expected.

Due to the risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, this consultation will be based primarily online using the online questionnaire. Below you will find links to the consultation documentbackground documents, and an audio visual presentation.


Stroud District Local Plan Review Draft Plan: Additional Housing Options

If you do not have internet access, we have a limited number of printed copies available to anyone who may be genuinely unable to access this consultation online. To request a hard copy, email or phone 01453 754143.


This short powerpoint presentation will help to explain the reasons for this latest consultation and why we need your views

Local Plan Review- Additional Housing Options Presentation 2020

Online Questionnaire:

Click below to go to the online questionnaire and submit your views

Local Plan review - Additional Housing Options Questionnaire 2020

Online Site Submission:

Site Submission Form 2020 

Background Documents:

SALA 2020 Site Assessments

Whitminster Sites Level 2 SFRA

Grove End Farm Position Statement - Promoter Material

Local Plan Review Evidence

Sustainability Appraisal

We appointed Land Use Consultants Ltd to support the plan making process by undertaking a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Local Plan during its preparation. The overall purpose of the SA/SEA is to assess the economic, environmental and social effects of the plan from the outset to allow decisions to be made that will deliver sustainable development.

To accompany the Additional Housing Options, a Sustainability Appraisal Report has been produced.

If you wish to comment on the SA Report, please email or send us your comments by the end of the consultation period.

Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA)

The purpose of the Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) is to identify any aspects of the Draft Local Plan that would have the potential to cause a likely significant effect on Natura 2000 or European sites (Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and Ramsar sites), (either in isolation or in combination with other plans and projects), and to identify appropriate avoidance and mitigation strategies where such effects are identified.

To accompany the Additional Housing Options, an HRA Report has been produced.

If you wish to comment on the HRA Report, please email or send us your comments by the end of the consultation period.

Consultation responses


Why are we reviewing the plan now?

The Government wants all local authorities to review their local plans every 5 years. The current Local Plan was approved in November 2015. New plans can take 5 or more years to finalise and so it is important that we make progress now.

What is our programme?

We have built into the timetable plenty of time to discuss issues, options and proposals with local communities. There will be ongoing engagement with organisations, but the main public consultation activities will be...

Issues and options consultation

Autumn 2017


An opportunity to discuss emerging issues and identify ways of distributing and managing future development needs

Preferred options consultation ("Emerging Strategy")

Autumn 2018


We now know the minimum number of houses that we need to provide for and we have identified a potential strategy for delivery.

Final draft plan consultation

Autumn 2019


A chance to check that we have the right draft plan in place

Pre-submission consultation

Spring  2021

The formal stages of making representations on the plan


Winter 2021

Consultation on any proposed modifications to the plan



It is anticipated that the new Local Plan will be adopted by Summer 2022

Previous Stages of the Local Plan Review Process

Further information

If you would like more information, please contact the Planning Strategy Team.
