Kingswood was first designated as a conservation area in November 1975. No boundary changes have been made since its original designation. A Conservation Area Statement (CAS) was adopted as Supplementary Planning Advice (SPA) in December 2014.
Kingswood CAS
The Kingswood Conservation Area Statement (CAS) contains information about the character and special architectural and historic significance of the conservation area, as well as proposals for its conservation and enhancement. The document is used to guide the interpretation and application of Development Plan policies, including Local Plan Policy ES10, and is part of the evidence base for Kingswood's Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP).
Kingswood CAS (December 2014)
A separate document provides some supplementary information about particular buildings and monuments of special interest within the conservation area.
Kingswood CAS supplementary information
The local community undertook a review of the conservation area in 2014, as part of their work towards producing a Neighbourhood Development Plan. In liaison with Stroud District Council’s planning strategy and conservation teams, the community produced a Conservation Area Statement and a Design Statement, both of which were adopted as Supplementary Planning Advice (SPA) on 11th December 2014 and will be used to guide the interpretation and application of Development Plan policies, including Local Plan Policy ES10.
The Conservation Area Statement contains information about the character and special significance of the conservation area, which backs up a set of guidelines in the Design Statement for conserving and enhancing the conservation area (KCA1-11).
Further information:
Kingswood Design Statement SPA
Kingswood Neighbouhood Plan