Nailsworth was first designated as a conservation area in March 1989. It was extended in November 1992 and the boundary was slightly amended in 2008. The conservation area does not have an adopted Conservation Area Statement but a small part of the the Nailsworth CA was included in the Industrial Heritage Conservation Area review (2006-8).
This project looked at the whole of the existing Industrial Heritage Conservation Area (IHCA) and the land immediately adjacent to it, including parts of ten other conservation areas that abut it.
Although the Industrial Heritage Conservation Area Statement and Design Guide (adopted November 2008) does not directly apply to the Nailsworth Conservation Area, you may find some of the character analysis and design guidance useful.
The Industrial Heritage Conservation Area review resulted in some boundary changes that affected Nailsworth conservation area (November 2008). You can check the current conservation area boundaries by using the Local Plan online mapping facility or Planning Constraints maps:
View current conservation area boundaries