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Make a planning application


From 1st June 2024, the Severn Estuary Special Area of Conservation’s zone of influence is being increased, along with the sum to be paid for off-site mitigation for all application involving new dwellings submitted after this date. Please see the link below for more information:

Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) | Stroud District Council

Before submitting a planning application we would advise engaging in pre-application discussions.

Application requirements

Before submitting your Planning Application please refer to the guidance below, which gives details of the documents required to support your application, drawing standards, Community Infrastructure forms and fee information.  

Planning applications with insufficient information and which remain invalid after 21 days will incur a £80.00 administration charge.

Please refer to the appropriate validation checklist before submitting your application.

Depending on the nature of your application you may also be required to submit other supporting documents, such as a biodiversity survey, flood risk assessment or sustainability information, details can be found on the relevant Validation checklist and further information can be found on the following webpages.

Apply online with Planning Portal

Planning Portal is a service to submit planning applications electronically. Registration is easy and you can complete your application form and upload supporting documents.

When submitting your application you will need to pay the full application fee to Planning Portal on line at time of submission.

It should be noted that this site is not run by Stroud District Council. If you experience any difficulties with this website please contact or 0333 323 4589.

Submit application via the Planning Portal

Apply by email

Please download the appropriate planning applications form and accompanying guidance note and Email to:

Please note Stroud District Council only requires one copy of the form and supporting documents per application type (i.e. for a listed building and planning application joint application two copies are required)

Chargeable planning applications submitted via email or post will incur a £25.00 administration fee


It is now possible to pay for planning applications online.

Some developments may require the diversion or closure of a footpath or bridleway to enable the development to be built.

Permanent diversions or closures of a path to enable development should be applied for via Stroud District Council under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Guidance notes and forms.

It is advised you begin this process as soon as possible as the process of applying for a closure or diversion under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 can be lengthy and is not always successful. Please note the cost of such applications must be paid for by the applicant and is separate to the planning application for the associated development.’

If during development the path is to be obstructed temporarily (under 6 months) a temporary diversion/closure order should be applied for via Gloucestershire County Council.

Please note any diversions/closures that are not related to development should also be applied for via Gloucestershire County Council.

If, as part of your application, it is necessary to engage an ecologist, it is advisable to employ someone who is part of a recognised professional body. The Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management has a Professional Directory available here.