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Dropping kerbs, accesses and creating a hard standing

If you wish to drop a kerb or create/alter an access you will need to contact Gloucestershire Highways ( (TEL: 08000 514 514) to request an application pack, this is due to the pavement and road (usually) being under their ownership. This also ensures the site does not affect safety and to protect any services buried in the ground such as service pipes which may involve strengthening the pavement.

One of the things highways are likely to ask for is written confirmation of whether planning permission is required for the dropped kerb. Due to this we offer a ‘dropped kerb’ service as part of our pre-application service which will offer an officers opinion on whether planning permission is required or not.

Please note you will usually need to apply for planning if:

  • the proposed access is to be located on a main road (A, B and C roads)
  • earthworks (over 1m in height or depth) or raised platforms (30cm) are required to create the access
  • permitted development rights have been removed for the construction of an access (you will be able to find this on previous planning permissions associated with the property and by checking whether there is an article 4 direction on your property
  • the proposed access is not proposed to be undertaken in conjunction with something that would be 'permitted development' (excluding fences and walls) such as the resurfacing of the driveway with a permeable material

Domestic hard surfaces:

Areas of hard standing (more than 5m²) between the principle elevation (usually the front of the house) and a highway must be permeable (or porous), or run-off must be directed from the hard standing to a permeable area (e.g. flower-beds and soakaways). Please note this does not include drainage into the sewer system. Please see guidance from DCLG on permeable surfaces (