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Street Collections

To collect money or sell articles for the benefit of charitable or other purposes in a public place, you require a street collection permit. A 'public place' is a place where the public has access.

Apply for a street collection permit

Before applying for a permit in Stroud District, you may wish to email The Licensing Section at to check that the date(s) you are requesting have not already been booked by another charity. It is in the interest of the public and collectors that there are not too many collections taking place at the same time at the same location.

An application form should be submitted to the Local Authority detailing the location and dates of the proposed collection. There is no fee for this permit.

Direct Debit Collections do not need a permit, but the dates must be confirmed with this office first. The purpose of the legal requirement to obtain consent is to ensure collectors are properly authorised and that money is collected in a secure way and the total proceeds collected are properly accounted for.

A return form must be completed following the collection and returned to the local authority.


Apply online

Apply by post